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How do I improve my credit score?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:42 pm
by Ebenezer
Hi everyone, I have been going through my credit scores lately and feel as if it is time to get someone working on it. I really don’t have any particular reasons so as to have low scores but I need someone to work on them to make them better in case of a loan (that I expect to take in a few months) I need. So, can you please suggest me some good agencies that could help me out.

Thanks in advance!

Re: How do I improve my credit score?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:10 pm
by Big Dog
Try paying your bills on time.

Re: How do I improve my credit score?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:45 pm
by shanecw33
I have been going through my credit scores lately and feel as if it is time to get someone working on it.

That "someone" is you. There are agencies that will accept your money to assist you in improving your FICO Scores, however, they can't do anything that you can't do yourself. Once you understand how to read your credit reports and what your FICO Score is comprised of, it's really relatively simple. I don't mean simple in that it can be fixed overnight, rather it's something you can do on your own without being scammed out of money. Instead of giving someone your money to help you improve your credit...use that money to pay down balances or bad debt.

The quickest way to improve your FICO Score is to pay down your debt, reducing your balance to limit ratio. Try to maintain that below 20-25%.

Start helping yourself here... ... Score.aspx ... Score.aspx

Re: How do I improve my credit score?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:00 pm
by inscopywriter
Credit repair companies are almost universally scams, some criminally so. A not-for-profit credit counseling agency can help you, but as previous posters have mentioned, no company or organization has any secrets to getting better credit. You can find anything they'll tell you all by yourself with a little work on Google.

One tactic you should certainly be wary of is a company that locks you into a contract, or any company that tries to charge you monthly for their services. If you could afford additional monthly payments, wouldn't you already have better credit than you currently do?

Another tactic to watch out for is the old "just stop paying your bills" pitch. In the past, this was the advice of the services, based on the theory that the company would eventually be forced to negotiate with you if they had any hope of getting their money. For one thing, you can do that all by yourself without paying anyone anything. In fact, it may be why your credit isn't as good as you would like. For another thing, that tactic is working less and less lately, because in this economy, everyone's doing it and the companies are more serious about avoiding settlements for "pennies on the dollar" than ever before.

Commercial firms won't help you any more than you can help yourself, and you can help yourself for free with just a little research.

Re: How do I improve my credit score?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:11 am
by katrinav
this is interesting. thanks for sharing

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