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Build Your Bank of Testimonials

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:17 pm
by scott
I think it first started with the theater. After opening night the reviewers put out their opinions, which made or broke a new play.

I can remember deciding what movies to see based on TV and newspaper reviews. Joel Siegel was my favorite. If he liked a picture, I knew I would too. Now I can look up reviews on the Internet.

The idea of reviews has spread to every part of business now.

Amazon has built an amazing cache of reviews on almost every book and product they sell. Ebay allows you to review every seller. Even buyers get reviewed on Ebay. The use of reviews and testimonials is pervasive.

How do your suspects and prospects learn about the quality of your work? Do you market only using your own words?

Add comments from your current clients to your website and other marketing material.

I say I’m great. You're skeptical. A client says I’m great and there is credibility in the statement.

It goes to the perception of value that I harp on so often here.

Re: Build Your Bank of Testimonials

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:21 am
by mainstreetifs

Great point... I am surprised there was not much of a response.