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How to ask for Testimonials....

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:09 pm
by YoungBuck
Hello Everyone,

This is my first post on the forums in here. However, i've done extensive reading over past posts and know that there are some experts that roam these frequently.

My agency is currently in the process of developing new marketing tactics...ha nothing new just implementing things we should have done all along...Asking for Testimonials. We plan to ask our most loyal clients via email. I would like some input/advice/constructive criticism on my email.... I appreciate your time, comments, and advice.

"DEAR ________,

We were wondering if you might be able to help us. We’re currently in the process of implementing a new marketing plan and website and would like to include feedback about your experiences with us.

Would you be willing to write a short testimonial for us?

We know you are busy, and not everyone is comfortable writing testimonials. We understand if you are not ready to do one for us. All we need is Two to three sentences and of course your permission to publish the testimonial along with your name and business name. I’ve included a few questions that should make the process easier.
1) How did my service compare with other services you've had?"

2) What benefits did you get from working with us? (Please be as specific as you can.)

3) What were your expectations, and how well did we meet them?

4) IMPORTANT: Please summarize your feelings about my services and give any additional comments, suggestions, or praise.
Thank you for your time we really appreciate your business and look forward to increasing our customer satisfaction."

Re: How to ask for Testimonials....

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:49 pm
by new2independent
Hi Youngbuck,

I think your email looks great and is well constructed.

Have you thought about calling your best clients first and letting them know they are good clients? This may reinforce your relationship with them and you can give them a heads up that an email is on the way and if they would kindly respond, you would very much appreciate it.

Just my two cents.


Re: How to ask for Testimonials....

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:47 am
by Shagster12
Hi Youngbuck,
Here's my two cents worth;

I would consider using a different opening statement, not that I think there's really anything wrong with yours, but my approach would be slightly different.
Instead of "We were wondering if you might be able to help us. We’re currently in the process of implementing a new marketing plan and website and would like to include feedback about your experiences with us." making this all about you and your marketing plan and website, I'd try to make it more about them and how valuable their opinions and recommendations could be for you both! It seems like you're just asking for free promotion. How many of us or our clients want to take the time and effort to help someone else make their business better without a real personal (selfish) stake in the result? I'd suggest you try to give them some personal (selfish) reason to respond, satisfy their "what's in it for me" itch!

I'd try something along these lines;
"We are looking for your assistance in helping our agency serve our clients better, and in promoting our agency to new clients. To help us serve you better we are asking for your personal testimonial about your experiences with us, to help us identify both what we are doing well and what we might be able to improve."

This might prompt more of a personal stake in responding to your request and not only help them feel better about helping you, but might also help create more of a partnership feel to your relationship if/when recommendations are made and implemented by your agency.... After all, we're all about the agent/client relationship so anything you can do to promote that and accomplish your goal of gathering testimonials creates a win/ win. Remeber, you're only looking to include your positive testimonials but any negative or critical feedback can certainly help you grow and improve so ALL feedback is valuable.
Hope this gives you food for thought.
Good luck,

Re: How to ask for Testimonials....

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:49 am
by goodmaninsurance
I think it is a great letter that you used for gaining testimonials. The more specific you can be the better off you are. You can see some of our testimonials on

Re: How to ask for Testimonials....

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:52 am
by Shagster12
Oh and here's another thought,
If you were to receive some critical feedback with recommendations for improvement which can be and is/are immediately implemented, use that testimonial as well as your resolution/answer to the recommendation. This shows your commitment to listening to your clients and will result in creating a positive testimonial in your favor. It gives you the 'We really listen to our clients" label which is highly desirable in our business..."They said this and this is what we did about it".....
Just a thought.....

Re: How to ask for Testimonials....

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:04 am
by nydefenseattorney
Looks and sounds really good albeit I like the other suggestion about calling first.

Re: How to ask for Testimonials....

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:38 pm
by scott
This is a relationship business. You're trying to build the relationship with every contact. The letter sounds like a robot wrote it.


I hope you are well. Great editorial in last week's paper.

I'm updating my website and would like to include a few comments from you in our testimonial section. You've been a great client. Having your company name on our website would be valuable in our marketing.

Nothing fancy. A few lines about how I have helped you. You can see what others have written by going to

I have you on my calendar to call next month so we can start on the renewal with time to spare.

Thanks for your help. Call me if you need me.


This is an ongoing process. Getting testimonials should be a natural part of client interactions - just like asking for referrals.