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Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 10:49 am
by jscroft
The e-Insure Journal is proud to present a new article by independent insurance benefits recovery specialist David Testone. In his article, David recounts a pointed example of what can happen when consumers don't take the trouble to understand an insurance policy before they buy it... and then he tells us how he saved the day! Click URL=]here[/URL] to read David's article online.


Jason G. Williscroft
Editor, <a href='' target='_blank'>e-Insure Journal</a>

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 11:49 am
by RKunz2
Dear Mr. Williscroft:

Mr. Testone hits the nail on the head; ultimately we (the insureds) are responsible for our financial future, and the risk assessment decisions made with insurance policies.

He makes a very good point, and it's the one that I attempted, perhaps unsuccessfully, to make in my forum discussion. If you (the insured) don't COMPLETELY understand the entire policy; ask questions, have it reviewed by an unbiased professional, etc. Don't get caught without coverage and on the short end of the stick, like I did.

The struggle outlined in his example case exemplifies to the "T" my struggle on the homeowner's side, with AAA. Some carriers look at losses, with the attitude of how can we help make the insured whole again, and I believe too many others look at a potential loss with the attitude of, how can we get out of this thing!

Thank you for an excellent article. I hope that all forum participants will benefit from the words of wisdom by Mr. Testone.