A new type of Agency Management System

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A new type of Agency Management System

Post by edmundich »

In my 7 years career as Account Manager i worked with all major agency management systems and I noticed one frustrating thing: TAM, AMS360 and other software are great for the Agency Management System but they all suck when it comes to Acount Management. So i thought, what if i develop Agency Management System with the focus on Account Management rather then Agency management. Simple example: Account Manager receives Notice of Cancellation for a BOP. In my system, with just a click of a button, AM would get a whole workflow including system generated follow up suspenses, Final Cancellation Alert, No coverage letter to insured and everything else. I would automate to work flow of policy changes and this would substantially reduce risk of E&O claims. I would also script the way activities and suspenses are being entered so that would be generic everywhere across the board. I showed my business plan to several friends of mine and they all loved it. Currently i am getting first phase fundings and i need a little feedback from my fellow agents and brokers. What do you think.
HSA Insurance
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Re: A new type of Agency Management System

Post by HSA Insurance »

By seeing your post this Agency management System will be the great one!

Can you give me the more details about the policies are arranged or set automatically or whatever your system can do about the policies!

thanx in advance!
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Re: A new type of Agency Management System

Post by ForumReader1 »

It's great to have a workflow-friendly system but you cannot ignore the agency management side. You still have a business to run. General ledger, financial statements, P&L, receivables, payables, etc all have to be a part
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Re: A new type of Agency Management System

Post by edmundich »

Thank you for the input guys. I am proposing a different model then what exists today. There will be two modules: Agency management and Account Management. Obviously both modules will be sold as a package and it will be up to the owner to install both modules on the AM's Workstation or Account Management only. There will also be a seperate software that would serve as a bridge between TAM, AMS360 and other systems and my Agency Management System. The data would be imported to that software first and then to my system. This will eliminate data loss. I believe the product that exists on today's market doesn't fully responds to agency owners needs.
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Re: A new type of Agency Management System

Post by ffisher »

Actually is has been done already - form Single Entry Systems :

ExpertInsure is a comprehensive web based system designed to provide Agents/Brokers and Managing General Agents/Underwriters with the benefits of a single entry, multiple company interface (SEMCI). ExpertInsure provides a seamless, paper free method of managing the entire submission process from application data gathering, integrated online rating, binding and policy issuance, through to invoicing, accounting and archiving. Learn more

Itis iincreadible what these folks ahve done and worth the time to look at the demo

Frefd Fisher
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Re: A new type of Agency Management System

Post by edmundich »

Thank you Fred. Though somewhat similar in nature, my agency management system will automate not only marketing but all service and renewal processes.
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Re: A new type of Agency Management System

Post by nciboy »

Did any of you hear of this insurance management software?

[url= http://www.quotit.com/[/url]

To be successful in insurance, you need a lot more than a system. You need a mentor, direction, a cheerleader and a commitment of time. Don’t believe the National Agents Alliance Secrets
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Re: A new type of Agency Management System

Post by edmundich »

Thanks but this is not agency management system
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