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Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:38 pm
by joey52
Can anyone give me some input as to which system is better. I am looking to join one of these companies. I know that Networked is a little more expensive. Thanks for your input

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:17 pm
by mclureins
I'm not sure why anyone would use either of these companies. Every single product that either company offers can be found through wholesalers. And without paying monthly dues. They both cause significant problems with accounting as well.

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:51 am
by brittt
Independent agents join Networked for several reasons. Market access is an important one. Although it’s possible to gain appointments with certain carriers, our Affiliates know they serve their clients best by offering the widest range possible. Joey52, give me a call and we can go over our features and benefits.
Jim Simmons, Networked Insurance Agents, VP of Sales 800 682-8476

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:15 pm
by PaulaFayeK
I would be happy to cover the features and benefits of a Superior Access membership with you. Please feel free to contact me directly at 949-268-1017

Paula Klaerner
Superior Access Insurance
Vice President, Operations

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:47 am
by Thadp
I have worked with Networked for several years now it has been difficult to get quotes.

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:45 am
by Insureguy
We have worked with Networked for a couple of years. They have given us direct access codes to a couple of key carriers that never would have appointed us on our own. The key to working with Networked is to actually give them some business and to develope a relationship with your placer. If you are going to use them to keep any of your direct carriers honest then it will not be a good experience for you. So far so good and we are pleased with our affiliation. Yes, you can find what they offer scattered around other wholesalers but who has time to do that when you can go to one place that has almost ever market you could want.

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:56 pm
by brian3323
I started writting with Superior Access in September when I left a captive agency to go independent. I needed something to keep me going while I got direct contracts lined up. Superior Access has been the most frustating and terrible experience of my career. If I was not able to get direct contracts like I have I would go crawling on my knees back to captibe world. I am still having to write one company that I have not been appointed direct with through them. They have an unacceptable turnaround on quotes for personal lines and commercial is even worse. I lost several clients in past few months simply because I was not able to deliver a quote to them in a timely fashion. I have never used Networked, but I will probably check them out. They couldn't be worse than Superior, and if they give you your own login and password for carriers you will be able to get accurate quotes and bind policies yourself untill you have enough business written to get your own contract.

Does anyone know a good GA in Texas that uses MetLife?

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:47 am
by d's insurance store
Why is there such an incredible disconnect in perceptions with both Networked and Superior Access?

Every time there's the topic asking for references with the two MGA's, there's a stark difference where some say they are the absolute best to work with, and others write in to call them the MGA's from hell.

And, each of the two entities have marketing people who will chime in, inviting conversations about the relative attributes of each and promoting the fact that they can meet the needs of agencies and brokers with fast turnaround, accurate quotes and access to a large number of markets.

Do those who cannot speak kindly of Networked and Superior send in incomplete Acords that can't be submitted for quotes? Do agents who try unsuccessfully to work with them only seek out quotes for the weirdest of risks, both personal and commercial? Is the expectation of agents for instant quote and bind set by false promises by each of the MGA's? Do the MGA's really 'lose' quotes, or don't offer quotes for valid risks? Are the commissions too low necessitating the need for additional fees that make the ultimate quote uncompetitive? Do both Networked and Superior set expectations too high for their workflow? Do agents hear only what they want to hear?

Really, WHAT?

Both firms claim success, but is it with a select few agents who send in lots and lots of business and migrate to the top of the service heap?

Just who's wrong here? Everybody can't be right...

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:25 pm
by LadyBroker
Excellent questions. As a wholesale broker, let me tell you a little bit about what I see --
1. far too many incomplete applications, with pertinent information nowhere to be found. What does your client do? If you don't know, or can't explain it succintly, how will I be able to sell it to someone else? And don't simply refer me to their website, unless you have already reviewed it. You have no idea how many times the website has sunk a deal...
2. No control of the account -- the client calls you on the phone, out of the yellow pages. He has called 5 other agents, too, and now everyone is tripping all over themselves to quote this account. Except when you send it to me, and i send it out to market, and we're blocked by the other 4 retail agents already. If the client is a phone-in ,don't be afraid to ask them --have you already sent this out to market? Because if they have, what is your real chance to win the account?
3. Unrealistic expectaions -- this can range from pricing to quote me that the underwriter has already heard "my client is going out of the country for 3 months, and needs his March 1 renewal by 12/31". Not going to happen, really.
4. Understand what the E&S/MGA side of the market does -- we don't compete with the standard markets on pricing. We are here to write risks they won't write, due to losses, or unusual exposures. If it's a clean, main street, piece of business, send it to your Preferred carriers. When it's something that is too old, or has losses, or they manufacture heart values to be inserted in the body, call your wholesale broker.

Just my five cents.

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:46 pm
by meytai
This question has been posted countless other times in other posts

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:34 pm
by Insureguy
D's Insurance post asks a very good question when wanting to know why such a stark difference in the comments and why some agents say either of these companies are the absolute best to work with, and others write in to call them the MGA's from hell.

I think Lady Broker is right on with her comments. Many of the agents who love working with a wholesaler probably know their accounts well, knows how to fill out applications properly and gives them a fair shot at writing the business. I also suspect that the agents who call these firms MGA's from hell are the very same agents where the feeling is mutual on the part of the MGA. We all know who they are. They are likely the agent who opens the bottom drawer and pulls out crap they expect the wholesaler to drop everything for and work on the account because all of their direct appointments have declined. Even better what about that smoking quote you recieved from a wholesaler on an at risk renewal which was used to drive the incumbent carriers price down only to screw the MGA who fairly competed and who had won on the risk. And to top it off its probably just one of many on a list of accounts that has been sent in without giving them the business. Then the agent wonders why next time the quote turnaround is slow, no return email or phone call. Hmmm...I wonder. Then of course it ends up here as a negative comment or they call the company up whining wanting to know why their service is so bad.

Its very support either of these wholesalers with something besides last minute garbage accounts and you will be rewarded with some pretty decent service.

So whether you join Networked Insurance, Superior Access or any other wholesaler if you treat then right they will treat you right as well. That has been our experience. If you do not know how many accounts you have bound versus sent in call them up and ask them. I am sure they have that information as our rep told us what our numbers were. I think when you see the numbers you will then have the answer to the original question asked above.

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 7:51 pm
by agentsking1

I stumbled on this site as I was researching Superior Access. Good thing I did! However, I am a new (inexperienced) General Lines Agent in FL. I am looking for a quick way I can link up to insurance companies so I can start serving clients. I thought Sup. Acc. was the answer....apparently not! Can someone recommend another company that provides similar services? I would like to write both commercial and personal lines.

Thank you

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:43 am
by sowestbroker
Try searching and They are out of TX but do biz in all states. Personal and Commercial Lines. I have used superior on the $100 month plan and the $25 month plan. It is decent but not great. But for what you pay superior for the $100 plan you get at agentsecure for $25. And yes they know there stuff. Best part is when you do their on-line rater if you get to the end and there is no market available for them they have a button that lets you access the info you put in the rater in Accord format. Works for 125, 126, 140, 130, etc. So you find out no market but now you click on the button fix the accords if necessary. Save them to your file and forward to your GA/MGA. Just an a idea.

Re: Superior Access vs. Networked Insurance Agents

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:52 am
by Russmann
Wow, is Honda selling Insurance now? Do they also have Civic forms or just ACCORDs?