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Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:07 pm
by Porter
If someone has a Melife appointment in California please share your thought. Are they easy to do business with? Hows the u/w? Do they have any niches? I have a lot of appointments already I am deciding if they would be a good fit for the agency.



Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:54 pm
by Brenda H
Well I don't have a Met appointment in Ca, but I do have one in Texas. In my experience, they do not offer anything that you can't elsewhere, and their website is awful. If you have other companies that you are writing business with, I would say you probably don't need them.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:54 am
by yoyowordup
I looked into a contract with them a couple years ago. They did some quotes for us and they were very similar to other preferred carriers - Hartford, Encompass etc.

I looked for local agents on their website (AZ) and talked to several of them. They all said that the website rating leaved a lot to be desired. Ask your CSR's who they want to quote and if the websites are a pain, they will get looked at on a lot fewer quotes.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:13 pm
by Gunther
I have been using MetLife in Illinois for many years. I have also been writing with Travelers, Hartford and Encompass. MetLife's website has been always been better than the others.

The following is in reference to MetLife’s GrandProtect product.

MetLife consistently introduces coverage enhancements first with everyone else following suit.

MetLife has had credit restoration service as part of their Identity Theft coverage for many years. Some companies are just offering it now while others simply offer just the reimbursement.

MetLife does not cap their replacement cost coverage.

Loss of use is actual loss sustained for 2 years.

MetLife offers $1,000,000 uninsured/underinsured motorists bodily injury coverage on their umbrella for an additional $170 annually. If a company is going to pay policy limits on an auto policy it’s going to be um/un BI.

They will extend premises liability to locations rented or owned in Mexico.

Worldwide automobile liability coverage.

Corporate owned vehicles can be listed on personal auto policy.

It’s not all roses-

They will not put multiple state risks on the same policy. If your insured has stuff in four states they will have four separate policies.


Underwriting philosophy/appetite is inconsistent among the underwriters.

In Illinois – MetLife is a great product with an easy to use website.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:26 am
by Porter
Thanks for your input.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:15 pm
by rocketguy
I have heard that Met's rates are VERY competitive in California for the preferred market, but I have yet to run quotes with them.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:47 am
by Porter
Their rates are in FSC. The auto is really good for clean drivers. The home rates are average. I did some sample rating and thought they were worth looking into.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:55 am
by volstrike3
I am not a huge fan of their rating system but I use EzLynx so most of the information is populated and ready to go. Their auto rates are VERY competitive in CA for clean drivers and they have some nice selling features. Their HO rates are average at best but the Auto rates are low enough to allow them to compete. They are a well known brand and I have cross sold some term life insurance because of their life/auto discount. Their rating system could be easier but overall I have been happy working with them.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:10 pm
by vkannan
I do not know about Metlife. But If you would like to try a different P&C carrier you may want to try Commerce West Insurance company a subsidiary of MAPFRE USA (provides competitive rates). If you would like to make a connection, then I can direct you to our Marketing VP for the western region.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:09 pm
by NorCal Insurance
I can tell you from a first hand experience that Metlife has smoking hot auto rates in CA!
They also got a home owners rate reduction which includes a 20 or 25% package policy discount.

Where is your office located?
They do not write state wide as of yet.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:58 pm
by rocketguy
I am located in San Diego and Los Angeles. I am working on becoming appointed right now.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:11 pm
by NorCal Insurance
They are tight on underwriting and all preferred. they will write in San Diego and the surronding area. however they do not write in Downtown LA. The closest they write to LA is Corona & Riverside.

If you get the appointment, congratulations If not contact me and I can share additional info regarding the appointment.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:09 pm
by rocketguy
Ya, for some reason they don't want us to write in LA, but that is one of our bigger markets. I have heard that their rates are so low in these areas that they wont let anybody write it.

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:33 am
by steve32
How do their rates compare to some of the other carriers like Mercury or Travelers?

Re: Metlife Auto and Home in California

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:08 pm
by coolie
How easy is it to get appointed with Metlife in ca