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Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:49 pm
by sankykid
Does anybody know if Photo Radar tickets issued in Arizona are chargeable for insurance purposes? I know they weren't a while back but there was a push to change that.


Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:15 pm
by yoyowordup
As far as I know they show up on your MVR as a typical speeding ticket and are therefore chargeable. They won't show up until you are convicted of the charge (pay the ticket or miss the date).

I say ignore the ticket and it will probably go away. If they happen to serve you, you will have to pay the extra $25 or so, but I think it's worth the chance (worked for me). DON'T go online and look at the picture of you. That would be proof that you received the ticket.

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:10 pm
by RKunz2
If it shows up on a MVR, it's chargeable. Radar/photo tickets show up as a demand notice in the mail. The recipient is instructed to pay the fine, etc. However and to my understanding of AZ code, the offense/violation needs to be personally served within 120 days or it is automatically dismissed by the court (unless you simply pay the piper). Google it, there's a ton of info about this type of violation. Better off not to get your picture taken in the first place, but it does happen. :lol:

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:17 am
by jctwindad
Not sure about Arizona, but in Tennessee they do not show up on your MVR. Photo tickets in Tennessee are not considered a criminal matter, but a civil matter. If you do not pay the ticket, they can sue you in civil court (may or may not) but cannot do anything in criminal court.

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:54 am
by mica.cooper
In Missouri,

Photo tickets are a municipal offense and not applicable to MVR. All photo violations were just dismissed in a state case (brought by a law enforcement officer I think). Reason - there was no process for appeal. I recently was charged for one such offense and was NOT EVEN IN THE STATE at the time. I explained to the process clerk that this was the case and had witnesses and they dropped it immediately. The photo system is very very flawed.

I think this is a great thing as some cities... you know who you are... changed signal lights to have shorter yellows and drive revenue. This actually cause more accidents as people stopped short to not get a ticket and caused rear-enders.


Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:40 am
by mindy
Oh, yes they show up on your record. I ignored one and had my license suspended :evil:

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:31 pm
by mhutch69
You would only get your license suspended IF you were served on the Photo violation.

Otherwise, you can go to the AZ. Supreme Court Web site and watch each violation drop at 120 days like posted above.

The AZ. Constitution REQUIRES peace officer serve you OR you are served by a process server.

Now, in relation to process servers: they get paid by how many they serve so many times the person will throw it on your doorstep and SAY you were served and notify the court accordingly. Then you would get a suspended license from it. I had one punk chuck it on my door and NOT even ring the doorbell and walk away.

I could not say I did not get it but call to talk about it? So, I paid and dealt with insurance costs.

I have had over 25 photo tickets and and paid 2 of them. Just ignore them as most cities can not afford the service cost at this point. Do not respond whatsoever.

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:37 am
by pita3333
mhutch69 wrote:
I have had over 25 photo tickets and and paid 2 of them. Just ignore them as most cities can not afford the service cost at this point. Do not respond whatsoever.
Good thing mhutch69 does not have his/her real name in their profile...otherwise his/her carrier might hear about this and issue non-renewal! Secondarily...reminder to self..don't accept ride from mhutch69!

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets (mis-type)

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:58 pm
by mhutch69
I have HEARD of a "guy" who has been cited over 25 times by photo speeding, photo - stop signs and / or photo redlights/speeding cameras and PAID on the two he was served.

I did not mean to suggest that I had personally had such experience............

I would never do such a thing. The best radar detector does not work well for those photo radar trucks. damn it....

Just a clarification.

See ya, got to go, in a hurry!

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:46 am
by colejustin
I have HEARD of a, that's a nice response. I personally have delt with this issue and took a class to avoid the points. So many others were also in there for a photo enforced citation.

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:17 am
by mhutch69

You are one of the few that paid to go to traffic school. The Arizona Constitution requires the service of the violation by as peace officer or process server.

If neither of those two occurred, you just provided payment unnecessarily.

Excuse me for not being ignorant of the law and since they are removing ALL highway cameras as the "experiment" did not work in AZ., and because the contract with Redflex is expiring, I no longer need to worry about them.
The AZ. Supreme Court Website SHOWS the violations dropping in 120 days EVERYTIME.

Again, sorry I am not going to GIVE money away unnecessarily.

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:09 am
by phoenix-boy
Create an LLC, Corporation or Family Trust and register your vehicle in the name of the organization. Photo Radar rarely attempts to serve an action on an organization because its nearly impossible to identify the driver.

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:22 am
by mica.cooper

What happened to obeying the law? If you don't like it, get it changed. If you want to see what happens to a country when its citizens start picking and choosing which laws to follow, just look at Mexico!

Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:41 am
by mhutch69
I AM following the law. The Arizona Constitution, which supersedes all legislative efforts passed subsequent, RULES.

Therefore, I am FULLY following the law by requiring the service by a peace officer OR process server.

Again, I HAVE been served at my home and fully PAID that ticket.

It requires a 2/3's majority of the legislature to Change the Constitution PLUS the signature of the Governor. IF they change it, I will comply JUST as I AM NOW.


Re: Arizona Photo Radar Tickets

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:25 pm
by mica.cooper

I was referring to the phoenix-boy character giving advice on how to avoid the penalties of breaking the law.