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Az newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:05 pm
by azlobo
Just got the main line of licenes : p,c,L,H, but cant seem to find the way to go as captive or independent,,,also have read some eye raising stuff on most of the main captives and would like any indep brokers recommendations in az who might take me in?

any insight or recommendations would be greatly appreciated

thanks guys

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:29 pm
by scott
I guess you want to sell insurance.

You go to the trouble of getting a license but can not find a place who will let you sell?

Due respect, if you can't sell your way into a job, how successful are you going to be selling insurance?

Further, you want us to take the time to help you when you can't even take the time to put together a post that is remotely coherent.

There is not an agency in the country with more than 10 employees who would not hire a bright, articulate, motivated, person who walked off the street and said to the owner, "I want be be your best employee 3 years from now. I'll work hard. I am never sick. I will show up on time. I am not afraid of failure but will not stop until I succeed. You teach me the insurance business and I will make you glad you did."

I know this is cold calling and I rage here against such. This is the exception. The insurance business is in dire need of new, engaged people who will take over the leadership in ten to twenty years.

Dullards go away. There are enough of you in the industry now.

(Thanks, I feel better now.)

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:43 pm
by azlobo
Im just looking for recommendations.... you seem to be telling me that Im lazy?? Unfortunatly we are not borning knowing.. FYI.. I spent the last couple of days since getting my licenses going to most of the big name companies agents and just try to get the good bad and the ugly... while trying to get a notion of what is going to work best for me.. I could of easily already signed with Farmers,or some other but Im trying to set myself up where I feel Im in the set up for me to succeed and not just be a "well he was here for a couple of weeks".. Again I respect your post and again Im just trying to see if there is some insight or info I can get.. as no one is going to have the right answer.. I can only get as much info as possible and make the best "educated" decision I can and then again let life decide if this was the path..thanks

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:14 am
by wlunday
Scott, what the heck did you have for breakfast???

Seems your temper is a bit short today. No time for "dullards", eh?

Anyway, Scott is correct in as much as any potential employer would have been put-off by the initial posting from the Arizona Wolf. It was not thought out, and if someone sent me that as a resume I'd most likely round-file it immediately.

So, AZLOBO... spend a little time studying the best resume sources, prepare one that is positive and outlines your attributes. It should include all the thoughts shared by Scott... how you can convience me, the employer, that you will strive to be my very best employee... I'll know you don't have experience, but if you have the drive and committement to learn and succeed I'll be interested in interviewing you. Applying for a job is like dating... if you don't make a great first impression you'll likely not get a second interview. Polish your "elevator speech"... you'll only have about two minutes, max, to impress me enough to continue the meeting. Don't be afraid to share your rookie status, but do it in a way that says... "Hey, I want to learn from the best!"

As a side note... yesterday I had an interview, about three minutes long, with a guy that told me he left his prior employer because THEY didn't provide enough leads, didn't pay a decent salary and so he was thinking about hedging his bet by also attending truck driving school... the sad part is he'll probably tell the trucking employer he's a licensed insurance agent and only wants the trucking job until an office gig comes along... Nobody's going to want this type of employee.

Also, nobody's perfect, but do try to proofread your posts. This system does not have a spell-check built in.

Best of luck...

Wayne Lunday, LUTCF, CLU, ChFC

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:46 am
by Shagster12
here's my opinion for what it's worth. If you can find a captive situation you should probably give it serious consideration. Going into the IA side will require a good deal of energy, enthusiasm and professionalism(even though you're a rookie this will be very important to getting your foot in the door at both agencies and prospects)!
Here's a quick story for you to help illistrate the point, while interviewing potential teachers for my sons 1st grade education, one of the teachers was 'fired' in my mind immediately after I overheard her tell another parent " I just have to aks (yes aks, not ASK) you a quick questions"... When I understood that the teacher could not even speak properly there was no way I was going to have her trying to teach my son to speak properly....
The point once again is look at your posts and determine if this is how you normally communicate and if you would hire you if you were interviewing yourself?

I believe a captive situation would fit you best at this point as it will help educate you in the industry with a specific product line that you can learn to master... Once you've done that sucessfully you can consider expanding further into the IA world where the carriers and coverages move fast and furious.
Good luck!

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:59 am
by FFA
Scotts a business man, seems to tell it like it is with out sugar coating it.

People that can not take the blunt end of reality do not belong in this business. The rejection rate will drive you out as quick as you got in.

Take his suggestions to the bank or the unemployment line.

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:06 am
by azlobo
Thanks again for the feedback and I understand where your all coming from.... I simply thought I could put a post and get some feedback,comments, insight. .... but then again I apologize for my grammer and lack of thought.... I just wanted to get as much info as possible and be able to get some sense of which companies to steer away from due to: bad training, financials,etc.

Again my roadmap has been if I could get the licenses beforehand and then going out there to look for a "home"(agency that is willing to take me in) I would be showing that Im commited to the career as well as instead of having the agency waste time and money on me going thru the licensing; with the possibility of me just flaking out. I would be already ahead and show that I want to get onboard as quickly as possible. Again this has been my approach so far, while it has already beared some fruit on the captive side( still reviewing their "contracts" dont want to put myself in a bad position); I been looking around on the IA side which I believe is where I eventually would like to be although it may not work out to be so as I start off.

Again all feedback good or back is appreciated and hopefully this post is a little better and explains what my gameplan is.

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:25 am
by kevinraz
Azlobo, welcome to our world!

This might seem harsh - and it is - but it's reality. In the world of insurance you've got to be on your game and ready to go all the time. Always learning. Always seeking the next sale. Always asking for referrals. Always growing as a professional.

There is a huge learning curve ahead of you and you can't know everything from the start, obviously. How you communicate with potential clients/carriers/employers will be extremely important in the early stages of your career. It will help carry you through the difficult times of not knowing how best to insure someone or how to handle a situation. Everything from internet posts, emails and speaking is scrutinized by peers & potential clients.

The bar is high but when you reach it you get the knowledge that you have achieved something significant that most others cannot do. You also get respect from your peers (I hold Wlundlay and Scott in high regard) and maybe even a pretty good paycheck.

Learn, take your lumps, and go for it! This is one of the few industries left where you can start with little, try hard and get rewarded.

My advice: just find a spot. Captive, independent agency, carrier, where ever. Odds are you won't be there in 5 years anyway, you'll most likely move on to another job in the industry.

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:10 pm
by wlunday
Lobo, kevinraz is right... find a great spot in which to learn... and then expect to find steps up the career ladder as you go forward. Many people do quite well in niche markets with the captive carriers, others are always looking for a bigger ship to captain... as you go forward, take as many industry classes as you can. Find a great mentor. If you stay focused on the P/C side study for your CPCU and other designations. If you lean toward Life & Health please get involved in the LUTC curriculum ASAP. It's designed as "on-the-job-training. Follow with the CLU, ChFC or some of the Financial Services designations like FSS or CFP. There is more to be sure.

Insurance is a marathon. You have to have the energy and enthusiasm to get started, but the endurance to complete a very long and grueling journey. It's fun, too, but like k-raz says... you are always learning, always looking for the next sale, always...

Wayne Lunday, LUTCF, CLU, ChFC

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:58 am
by Brenda H
to Wlundy re spellcheck--might need to take a little of your own advice:

how you can convience me, the employer

I believe you meant convice-but it is also CONVENIENCE if you that is what you meant to say.

to AZ newbie--I agree with the other posters, you need to polish up your writing, and that would include punctuation as well as grammar, because, in my experience writing reflects one's way of speaking. I don't think anyone would want a new hire (or old one for that matter) representing them in person or on paper who cannot speak and/or write properly.

Re: Az newbie

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:44 am
by azlobo
Again I appreciate the input, and will polish up the writing ............ I posted up another topic if you guys have a chance to look at it and give some feedback.... its regarding an opportunity which I came across yesterday... it seems great just have a concern regarding training....

if you guys have time to take a quick look ... I appreciate any comments or suggestions.. and well hopefully someday I be on par with most of you... and be on the other side of the road....

thanks again