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Progressive Personal Lines

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:41 am
by scott
A recent survey in Agent and Broker reported that 73% of agents represented Progressive. That was twice the next carrier, Hartford, represented by 38% of agents.

I rarely hear agents talk about Progressive. They are one of the few companies (off the top of my head) that sells direct and through agents. Clearly the spend millions on ads and are a marketing machine.

Comments on Progressive in your agency?

Re: Progressive Personal Lines

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:40 am
by pdxagentgal
We have them available mainly for non-standard auto. Even though that's not our target market, we'll have the clients who will need an SR-22 or such and need a place to put them.

Re: Progressive Personal Lines

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:00 pm
by beyert1
Scott - I have represented Progressive for about a year. Their rates for standard and non-standard business are very good. Plus they have some fantastic Commercial markets. Now, you are not going to place all of your business with them but with a stand-alone auto they are one of your major players. Beware someone with bad credit though, they can go high in that type of situation. As for being both agent represented and direct, they are good with their agents. I have several new clients from a Progressive call center because they referred them to my office. As for the service and claims, they are very good. I have actually gained new clients from my clients telling them how happy they were with the claims handling. Their website always refers to my Agency when the client logs into the progressiveagent site. All of the emails or snail mail letters all say my Agency name on them. They always say to contact me. Am I making my point? They are a good company to represent.

I also represent The Hartford, Travelers, Universal North America and many more. They are the same way, they bring you to the front and not just them. Do your research before you get appointed with some companies to make sure you are represented well. You don't want to be like some captive agents who lose their clients to a company owned by their parent company and then get a lower commission on the other products you have for that client. No company names mentioned here.

I hope this helps.

Re: Progressive Personal Lines

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:57 pm
by darnovak
Their website is extremely 'user-friendly'. Quoting and issuing is a breeze. Everything then prints out - especially NY Barcoded ID cards. You can even get a binder for the loss payee. Everything is also available as a file which we can attach to our agency management system or send to an insured, etc. Insureds can elect to breceive an e-policy. We place many of our 'hard to place' risks there and when they 'qualify' for our other carriers, we consider moving the insured if it is in their best interests.

Re: Progressive Personal Lines

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:01 pm
by meytai
They're good

They will steal your customers from you here and there though.. that's the only drawback : )