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Horace Mann

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:30 am
by flyeres
Is the Horace Mann "Exclusive Agent" opportunity a captive agency? They say the opportunity is for "individuals willing to invest in owning and operating an insurance and financial services agency". They also say they offer a unique territory with active an active client base. Just wondering if anyone has any knowledge on this...

Re: Horace Mann

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:30 am
by Gunther
You can only sell their insurance products. Walks like a duck.....

They market to to School Teachers here in Illlinois. For that they are known as "Teachers Insurance". Just moved a Horace Mann client to MetLife. Got them more insurance and saved them a ton of money on both their home and auto.

Re: Horace Mann

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:03 pm
by gregcw
My personal experience with Horace Mann was with an agent that I had experience with, before he became an insurance agent. He ran a barter/service exchange program that that the Department of Consumer and Buinsess services eventually shut down for ethical reason. I ran into him again through a customer he had, not a teacher, that I was turning over to one of my companies. He refused to provide me proof of insurance for the customer, which as a representative for the company, he is required to do and referred me directly to the company who referred me back to him. I subsequently learned that his wife also was licensed, had an independent agency, and that was where he placed business not eligible for Horace Mann. I just checked his license and found he's no longer licensed.

Sounds a lot like the experience that I've had with Farmers. Inexpereinced and unprofessionl agents.