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You Are In The Marketing Business!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:29 pm
by scott
On the "Hard to Find Market" board of this forum I posted a request for a CA agent to help with a client of mine.

After I got the responses I needed I posted some comments about the responses. Read it here.

I mention agent websites, blogs, and other tactics of marketing gravity.

Agents, forget insurance for a while. You are in the marketing business. The difference between great success and average performance is not in the insurance knowledge you posses. The difference is in your marketing.

The difference in marketing is your client's and prospect's perception of you.

That's why I counsel an approach that makes you remarkable - worthy of remark. I want my mentor clients to be out there in newspaper articles, interviewed for trade publications, posting to blogs, writing white papers, promoting their expertise in speeches, and teleseminars so that the best prospects seek them out.

I counsel an approach to clients that positions you as indispensable.

Trash your lead list and your cold call script. Build a blog. Tell people your ideas. Speak to trade groups. Differentiate yourself.

Market yourself.

Re: You Are In The Marketing Business!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:56 am
by FFA
As a former captive agent, I had a DM for about 4 years that was an expert on marketing. He always preached "Market Your Agency" as the brand sold itself.

He was never accepted by the veteran agents he inherited. Had they took his advice as I did, many of them would not be in the position they are in - married to a carrier that wants a divorce.

Now Scott is preaching the same. My hats off to you! Great advice!

Re: You Are In The Marketing Business!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:58 am
by apee705
Its really a wonderful idea to share your performance your experience and knowledge about marketing, we will have something new to learn from other experiences, thanks for topic :D

Re: You Are In The Marketing Business!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:13 pm
by Black Knight
Yes, thank-you. I look to meld all of the new technologies into the business I am building. At the end of the day, Websites, Twitter, FB, Blogs and the like are just new, better, faster extensions of the age old practice of networking and selling yourself.