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Reviews and checklists

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:45 am
by jpcauz
Greetings to all you seasoned Vets and Power Producers,

I am looking to find some sources or references to assist me in developing a checklist / client interview sheet. I am working with Commercial clients and looking for ways to improve my "game" as it were.

Thanks for any and all info.


Re: Reviews and checklists

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 10:44 pm
by volstrike3
I have used PS4 for my entire insurance career for commercial clients with any level of complexity.

Re: Reviews and checklists

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 11:29 am
by seajams
Rough Notes also has some good tools for less than PS4.

Re: Reviews and checklists

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 7:44 am
by scott
For years I used the checklists built by others. I didnt like any of them, so I built my own.

While there are many sources (including my own books) where you can buy checklists, I suggest you build your own - that matches your style and approach.

With a computer you can build, change, amend, and evolve your own unique review format. As you read insurance policies and articles you will think of exposures you left off. Your review form becomes your template for your evolution as an insurance person.

Consider exposures instead of coverages...

Here is a link to a list of exposures I put together in 2007 - My idea of an open source exposure checklist never took off and I have not updated the list in a few years (though my personal risk list has evolved dramatically).

Use my old version (or contact me to buy the update) and customize it to suit your needs.