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QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:22 pm
by nyins

Long time magazine subscriber, just recently found this website.
We are making a decision on our agency management sytem, and I stumbled upon QQSolution's QQ Evolution. I can't really find any reliable reviews on them, and they seem to be a new system.

Does anyone have experience using it? The software looks like the closest thing to our idea of the "ideal management system" out there, but I'm weary of having everything hosted remotely on their servers.

Please let me know!
Thank you,

Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:07 am
by aharmon
Hello David,

I am with QQ Solutions. I just wanted to let you know our company has been in business for over 20 years. QQ Evolution is our newest agency management system. Our original manangement system is QuickFile. QQ Evolution has features such as office messenging, scheduled reports, client/policy tracking, commission tracking and reconcilliaction to name a few. Your data is kept safe and secure on our servers, it is also continuously backed up. Our SLA agreement means you will always have access to your data. Please feel free to visit our Web site: for more information. Our contact number is 800-940-6600. As you look at management systems you will see we provide all the features needed by an agent at a great price.

QQ Solutions

Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 6:23 am
by nyins
The program looks good, it's a bit discouraging that there seems to be no one else out there using it.
Does anyone on these boards have experience with QQ??

Thank you!

Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 11:09 am
by jonmayo

I would also encourage you to take a look at the Ebix ASP system. It is available as a fully-hosted service with all the advantages of outsourcing the IT and data - and also as a self-hosted environment for larger organizations with an existing IT infrastructure.

Ebix ASP is one of the most capable systems on the market and is currently used by organizations ranging from smaller retail agencies all the way up to large MGAs/Wholesalers. Our support is the best in the industry (we just received the highest ever customer satisfaction rating from Novarica), and we've received mutliple ACORD awards over the years.



Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 4:13 pm
by Porter
I Have QQ Evolution and don't like it much. The transformation Station only works with a few of our carries. It does not have a two way integration with our FSC Rater. The commission reconciliation does not work well. Lastly it is seriously slow.

I’m researching which management system to switch to currently.


Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:18 pm
by aharmon
Hello Porter,

I'm with QQ Solutions and work in the product management division. Our QQ Evolution product is our latest agency management system that is growing in sales nationwide. First, I would like to offer you help with the issues you are having. Please call me at 800.940.6600 to discuss the issues you addressed in your post. Our commission structure for both agency and producer commissions are very flexible and can be easily tracked. If you could provide us with the names of the carriers you would like to see in the Transformation Station, we can check to see if they participate with IVANS. If they do, we will inquire about adding them to the Transformation Station. When you contact me to speak about the issues, we can address your concerns regarding speed as I need specific information.

Amy Harmon
Product Manager, Management Systems

Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 2:45 pm
by Porter
Hi Amy,

Thank you for responding. The Transformation Station does NOT work with Kemper, Travelers, or Mercury. We have more than half of our business with these companies. It does work with MetLife, Safeco, Chubb, and Allied.

In these troubling times clients are looking for ways to save money on their insurance and we are getting a ton of requotes. Since QQEvolution does not bridge to FSC Rater we have to enter each quote manually. Very time consuming.

QQ does not receive commission downloads like other AMS’s so you need to set up your commission structure in the utility section. Unfortunately the utility section does not have more than one commission structure per carrier per line of coverage. This creates a problem when you have carriers that pay different commissions for monocline and package business. Some carriers pay less when there is a young driver in the household. Also, companies like Travelers, at renewal, pay commissions based on how much the customer pays. QQ has no way to track this for the agency. So we have to basically track commission manually off the insurance company statements.

As far as speed goes I know you guys say you are addressing the problem. However, in the meantime it takes 10 seconds to go from the Client screen to the Policy screen.

The QQEvolution is priced well but, the efficiency is lacking in my opinion.


Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:25 pm
by steve32
I'm looking to switch to a new agency management system too and looking for affordable recommendations.

Really frustrated with the current one because we can't even use it.


Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 5:54 am
by aharmon
Hi Porter,

We really need to speak with you regarding commissions. The situations you mentioned are all covered in our commission structure including having different commissions for young drivers. QQ Evolution does also track and allow you to reconcile your agency and producer commissions. The Direct Bill Commission Statement downloads are coming within the next couple of months, we are currently working on this feature.

We will check into the carriers you mentioned to see if they participate in Transformation Station. I do know we have Travelers.

If you could provide me with a way of contacting you we would like to have a Product Support representative help you with the problems you are having. You can also contact me as well at 800.940.6600.

Amy Harmon
Product Manager, Management Systems

Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 6:56 pm
by mattbalt
Has anyone looked at Hawksoft or Xanatek? Looking at them and QQ Solutions Evolution,we presently use their Quickfile product. Tracking and marketing prospective clients and account rounding are important features we are looking for.

Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:21 pm
by insgirl
QQ Evolution is horrible. At least from a commercial CSR standpoint. Agency i'm with uses it and all CSRs in agency just move beyond the frustration of it.

1. Does not show xdate of policy on pol summary screen. Have to click into it. Hello, xdate is a must!
2. Shows all policies every written , even canceled and expired, on policy screen. Very cluttered. Those should be hidden.
3. Only one "note" can placed on account. Applied let's you place as many notes as you want. If you run out of room, oh well, find somewhere else to place important note.
4. Acord apps are not tabs based. It's an actual acord app that opens. It's tiny and highlighted bright yellow all throughout and very hard on eyes. TAM has tabs to complete the acord data and will create acord if you wish. Better flow needed. Especially if all you need is to review limits on policy.
5. Does expired app transfer to renewal app? I don't see a way.
6. HUGE DOWNSIDE - Can't have more than one client screen open at one time. They have a "pin" feature but that is of no use. You need the screen open to go back to it. Maybe you're in the middle of something and want to keep it open while you take a phone call and open new client screen. Pinning still closes the screen.
7. Very slow.
8. Memo screen (which should be called follow up , etc) you can't click on memo to link to the actual follow up.
9. Memo screen - can't filter by open or closed. or, dismissed,etc.
10. There are more but I think you all get the point.

AMS360 and TAM are more robust. Cost more but you get what you pay for. Time is money.

Re: QQEvolution AMS ???

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:36 am
by Iowa Guy
Try looking at Nexsure.

I've researched just about all of them and have found this to be one of the best products on the market from what I can tell. It is MUCH better than QQ Solutions IMO.

I am starting with them next week so obviously I am only basing this off of what it appears to be. however, I've done a demo with just about every single product out there and Hawksoft was the next best I found but you have to install it on each computer.

Regarding Nexsure, a few of the things I Iike are that It's browser based so you don't need to load anything on your computer and can access anywhere any time. It has a good proposal system, it appears to have the ability to do a side by side comparison of new and old coverages/pricing.

The only real downside is that it doesn't directly integrate with Quickbooks (it has it's own accounting) but that really doesn't seem to be that large of an issue.

Oh, and I wouldn't give AMS or Applied a nickel. I don't care how they may have updated their product. They have been screwing agencies for years with their highly over priced racket. I did do a demo with them a few years ago but there are so many horror stories with them. It's time to move on from those guys.