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New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:37 am
by mclureins
New TA Technology.

New 21st century trust account technology has been developed to help independent P&C insurance agencies manage the financial solvency of premium funds reliably and efficiently. This technology responds to the industry need for a quick re-tooling in the area of premium and return premium management. Its main attributes are summarized below:

1. New Trust Ledger TL TM accounting,
separated from agency GL accounting

2. Data and accounting records created
at the policy level

3. Complete automation of trust account
daily operations: premium receivables,
commission and remittance management,
return premium credit and

4. Ready-to-use financial solvency reporting
A. Separate TA balance Sheet
B. Premium Float Statement
C. TA Cash Balance Beneficiaries statement
D. Complete audit trails for all TL

5. Readily available of premium funds beneficiaries statements

As a backbone of our national economy P&C Insurance industry would perform better if the producing agencies had the financial tools necessary to fulfill their fiduciary obligations reliably and in a cost-effective manner. This technology
is based on a new agency premium management concept and offers insurance agencies a new and more efficient business

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:10 pm
by michga11
i think that stuff can be done on AMS. if it can't, then we don't really need it.

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:19 pm
by mclureins
AMS, Applied, Hawsoft, Quick File and everyone else use a general ledger and an invoice system. The invoice system is one of many problems. A general ledger can not report information of insurance transactions accurately. Not transferring the correct amount of money back and forward is a problem. Not tracking accounts in accounting policy by policy is another problem. I can go on and on.

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:31 pm
by michga11


Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:50 pm
by mclureins
Not very nice Michga. :x

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:23 pm
by michga11
maybe. but i thought it was funny, and that's really what's important here. gotta have my funny bone tickled at all times. i am selfish like that. :lol:

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:47 am
by mica.cooper

I thought, "i think that stuff can be done on AMS. if it can't, then we don't really need it." was a downright advertisement!

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 12:02 pm
by michga11
mica.cooper wrote:Funny,

I thought, "i think that stuff can be done on AMS. if it can't, then we don't really need it." was a downright advertisement!
Funny that you didn't think that more than likely our agency already runs on this system. AGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. I really don't care what your agency runs on, whether it AMS or Applied. Whatever. You obviously do not know the costs of these systems, because if you did, you would probably agree with the reasoning that we should use what we pay for to the fullest extent. These systems do such things. We have reports galore.

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:01 am
by mclureins
Sorry Michga you are completely mistaken. And if you really understand insurance accounting and premium management then you would understand the current problems that agencies face in todays market. Or at least be open minded enough to listen to what someone has to say. I'm interested in offering help to agents to make their agency more efficient and more importantly solvent. I'm not interested in conversing with someone who is going to ridicule every sentence I display here because they want to make themselves laugh. You're killing it for other people to have an opportunity to be as knowledgeable about insurance premium management as you are.

I know what other systems cost. I know they are also way too expensive. I know what the cost of all these systems are because I have done demos and received proposals from them for years. I use another system for my front office. But just because they are expensive and you spend thousands of dollars on them doesn't mean they don't have shortfalls. They are all great for front office and client management but they are not as great for back office. I agree with you. You should use what you pay for. If you not open to listening to what ideas are forthcoming to help agencies improve then that's fine, but please don't ruin it for other people who might want to know a little more on how they can improve their agency.

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:58 am
by michga11
oh, cry me a river.

*queue the tiny violins*



have a pleasant day.

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:30 pm
by mclureins

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:34 pm
by michga11
mclureins wrote:If you continue to answer my post and others with empty jokes and insulting remarks just for a laugh, I will report you to the mod as well. Beleive it or not there are actual people here who are trying to learn something. This isn't Facebook for you to disrepesct and write whatever the hell you want and sarcastic with people when they are looking for answers to things. Its deemed to be a professional (something you're obviously not) source for people and everything you put up is a laugh for you? It's just a joke for you? Calling people ignorant and stupid? Absolutely ridiculous. You don'tbelong on here.

Stay out of my way and I will definately stay out of yours. No need to reply all your post are ignored by me automatically from now on anyway and I wont see it. You should do the same.
LOL! jesus christ, you are the biggest crybaby peepee pants on this board. don't get mad about my truth factor. i will quote you and reply to you if i want. i belong here as much as anyone else, after all i am a licensed insurance agent. one with an award winning attitude, i might add. i am the real deal. are you even an agent, or are you just selling stuff on here? one difference between you and i is that i don't give a rat's ass if you ignore me. go right ahead. look you can't see this! hahah. but everyone else can. boohoo. i also don't care if i get reported nor banned. i am sure i already have. you won't find me crying over it. there are plenty of forums out there. it's a great big world.

*shrugs shrugs shrugs*

p.s. it's spelled definitely. note that there is no "A" in that word. i hate when ignorant's spell that word wrong. along with the many other typos in your above post, get yourself some spellcheck. pfft.

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:55 pm
by mclureins

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:02 pm
by michga11
mclureins wrote:Oh how cute "I have a license too" shrug shrug. I can see it now! You're little ice cream cone is melting! I must apologize I had no idea you just got your license! Now that explains why you are talking like a 16 year old. I thought you had to be 18 to get a license? Oh well. If your award winning attitiude consist of acting like a teenager then God help you in this business. When you turn 20 and your license comes up for rennewal for the first time you and your star winning attitude may want to look for another line of work. Ignorant is why you can't even address anything I mention in my post besides stupid remarks that have nothing to do with. I don't need to make any impression to someone like you about how many companies I own. I also don't care if you won your school spelling b last year either. Cheers for you when you're old enough maybe one of your friends IF you have even one, might buy you a beer! You should take some of my CE classes that i teach so you can turn some lights on in your brain about insurance.
ha! i knew you were a great big liar. liar liar pants on fire! you can't ignore me. i am too awesome. ;=)

don't be jealous of my youth, old man. your CE class from 1971 is out of date. i don't care about your companies, mr. badass. woooweee. i also need no friend's. it's all about me, myself and me. anyone else would just get in my way. so there.

Re: New Technology in Premium Management

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:18 pm
by mclureins