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Unique risks, what's your story?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:25 am
by Josh
I shouldn't be surprised that this was yesterday's most read story

NFL Star's Hair Insured by Lloyd's for $1 Million ... 112921.htm

Side note: last year we posted this story which was also highly read and shared.

Lloyd's Insures Coffee Taster's Tongue for $13.78 Million ... /98524.htm

This reminded me of a conversation I had with my sister last week. She works at a bank and told me the story of a woman who received three overdraft charges for purchasing virtual plants on FarmVille. Her pretend plants cost her $105 real dollars.

So let's hear your stories. What are the crazy, the funny and the unique risks you've seen?

Re: Unique risks, what's your story?

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:39 am
by kevinraz
How about monoline GL for about 2 acres of vacant land with an annual premium of $80,000 back in 2003.

The story: this vacant land is between 2 pro sports stadiums and has several million people walk on it yearly. Included a few staircases & 2 escalators. Land is owned by a different entity that owns the sports stadiums.

When I first started working on the account I had a hard time getting underwriters to be interested until I mentioned the premium. The number of people generated the premium, the loss runs for the previous 5 years had nothing of consequence on them.

Re: Unique risks, what's your story?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:03 pm
by Brenda H
I had a potential client to call me regarding GL for dive inspections. I figured he was maybe inspecting sunken vessels of some sort. When I inquired as to what exactly he was doing, he told me that he was diving into water towers with a camera to inspect them!

I haven't placed this account yet, since I have not been able to get all the information from hime yet, but it was a very interesting conversation with the underwriter.

Re: Unique risks, what's your story?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 10:40 am
by jimmyr1978
Had to place Professional, CGL and Excess for a millwright contractor that repairs turbines in nuclear power plants (exclusively). Coverage was required, by contract, for their largest client. The insured called after being non-renewed mid-term by another company after an audit - the prior agent had completely misclassified the business in order to place it. We were given two weeks!

We actually found E/S markets willing to write each line of coverage, but the exclusions were nasty. The insured was not allowed on site without a COI, so they accepted the policies, despite our pleading that the exclusions made coverage nearly non-existent.

The insured became a good client, but after two years, they merged with a large, national firm from another area, causing us to lose the business. I still cannot believe we placed any coverage for them.