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Comparing MGA's / Aggregators - Your experience is welcome

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:09 pm
by texasproducer
I will mainly be doing personal lines and am looking to get under an MGA/Aggregator

Here is the list I have looked over so far:

Insurance Noodle
IAA Network
Smart Choice
Superior Access
Agent Secure

If anyone has any experience these companies that would be great.
My main points of concern are:
1. Direct Access to Carriers with binding authority
2. Book Ownership
3. Product Availability in Texas
4. Commission Split

Other factors are the ability to transfer servicing to the mga, e&o coverage, possibility to transition into my own direct appointments, etc...

Re: Comparing MGA's / Aggregators - Your experience is welco

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:15 pm
by texasproducer
Networked ( seems to be mainly commercial since their PL carriers are pretty short in Texas.

Re: Comparing MGA's / Aggregators - Your experience is welco

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:17 pm
by texasproducer
insurance noodle looks to be mainly commercial also