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Mobile Acords - Survey

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:40 pm
by edmundich
I am in a process of developing Acord forms 25 & 27 for iphones and Android phones. Users will have a lot of useful features including: setting up your agency, storing writing companies and cert holders, pull down menus to set up coverage/perils, agent's signature and ability to print to pdf or similar format and email to client. Would you be interested in this product? What other products would you want to have access to from your mobile phone? Thanks

Re: Mobile Acords - Survey

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:06 am
by waltmarkers
This is a great idea. I think the iPhone might be a little small format, but I've seriously been considering purchasing an iPad for use out of the office.

The 25 (liability cert) is top priority and would be used most in my agency. The one I would use out of the office most after that is a 38 (statement of no loss). This form is used any time a policy needs to be reinstated after a non-pay cancelation and is often used in place of loss runs for marketing accounts. After that, for mobile use you might want to target the 36 and 37 (cancelation request and BOR form).

These three forms are very straightforward and have few blanks. For use on a large touch screen device like an iPad, it would be really great if the client could sign with their finger or stylus, and the form saved the signature as an image in the signature box.

Mark Walters, CPCU
CS Insurance Strategies

Re: Mobile Acords - Survey

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:57 am
by lauren
This sounds like a great idea, but there is no way you will get approval to use copyrighted materials from Acord. This will have to come directly from Acord.

Re: Mobile Acords - Survey

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:20 pm
by edmundich
Lauren and Mark, Thank you very much for your response. I am really excided about this venture.

Re: Mobile Acords - Survey

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:27 am
by waltmarkers
lauren wrote:This sounds like a great idea, but there is no way you will get approval to use copyrighted materials from Acord. This will have to come directly from Acord.
ACORD licenses their forms to all sorts of third parties, and not just AMS and applied. I pay $20 a month for access to cloud based ACORD forms. But you're right, he'll have to pay the fee to license.

Re: Mobile Acords - Survey

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:30 pm
by williduke
I am glad to see some interest in Mobile apps for insurance in general and ACORD forms specifically.

I work for an online ACORD forms re-distributor and we have an team actively building out a suite of mobile apps focused on letting the agent provide customer service tools to the insured.

If you are interested, I will be glad to keep you up to date with our progress. At this point, since the apps are not out of development, we have no information published. But I will be glad to let you know the links as we do publish any information.

Re: Mobile Acords - Survey

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:14 pm
by edmundich
Thank you williduke, I would definitly be interested.

Re: Mobile Acords - Survey

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:56 pm
by edmundich
Dear friends. I am very excited that this venture is progressing and we will deliver the service by the beginning of the summer 2011. This is a unque enterprise and it will enable insurance producer to have access to their clients at any time through their mobile devices AND provide services and issue/deliver Acord forms directly mobile to mobile. Your opinion is critical and we would love to know what forms do you find the most important. Also, I would really appreciate if you would take this several questions survey and help us to understand the elvel of interest for the product... Please PM me for any questions/suggestions. Thanks

Re: Mobile Acords - Survey

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:01 pm
by policyspot
We allow for ACORD 25 certificates in our self service module from the web and mobile apps. I would love to hear about your progress and how you have been coming along with it since. Check out our stuff at ... rtificates