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Superior Access Commission Payments

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:58 am
by joey52
Does anyone else have a hard time getting commission payments from Superior Access? It seems like it takes at least 60 days to get payment and sometimes upt to 90! Am I being unrealistic or is this standard with the other companies out there? I have plenty of business to write with them but I cant wait around and wonder when I am going to get paid. Shoudl I switch to insurance noodle or another company? Thanks

Re: Superior Access Commission Payments

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:02 pm
by d's insurance store
Take a look at the quantity and type of business you're placing with them. Personal Lines? Small Commercial BOP? Mid sized commercial? There are lots of far better places to go for commercial accounts when you don't have direct appointments. Places that have the markets, pay commissions the month after earned and often share contingency monies.

Superior Access has had a spotty record over the years with competancy issues. I worked with them in their early years for some personal lines and a couple of small commercial pieces...and after having all of my accounts non renew with no notice to me or the insureds, left there in a hurry. From time to time, on this forum, someone will bring up perceived problems and others will chime in with similiar stories.

Bottom line...they're not even close to being the only game in town and if you have some decent sized numbers that you can offer, along with new submissions, you should have very little problem taking the business elsewhere. Even if you're business with them is small scale, for mainstream BOP categories you don't have direct access to, there are places that better serve you without volume requirements.

Re: Superior Access Commission Payments

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:52 pm
by pcock1
for this type of business you should try anderson & murison in LA they have their act together and monthly statements are prompt and accurate steve A & M ph 323 255 2333