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Carrier Trainee: Presentation Help.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:34 am
by Trainee
Hi everyone,

This is my first post to this forum but I have been using it as one of my learning tools for the past 6 months. Being trained at a carrier for the past 6 months I do not have a great deal of experience/knowledge pertaining to the agency side of things. Here in lies the problem:

My company has an agency application submission program which I will eventually have to go out into the field and show agents how to use and implement. The purpose of this appplication is for fast submission and for the agents to be able to get a guage on the pricing level. A submission will not bind coverage but can block the market.

Since I will be making a mock agency presentation to upper management I wanted to know if there was anything, from an agents point of view, that I should really be concerned with getting accross to the audience concerning benefits/operations. Basically what would you want to know that would make my presentation better.

I know I have given you very little information concerning the application itself but any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Re: Carrier Trainee: Presentation Help.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:46 pm
by ValMarsiano
First, remember to speak slowly. Keep the training light and have your agents be interactive so they get a feel for the new program. Explain why certain information is requested and provide a turn-around time for the underwriter to get back to the broker. If you like to use phrases like "easy to use", or "user friendly", don't use it too much. If your agent(s) has a hard time navigating your system (s)he will remember how many times you used the phrase and be even more annoyed. Reassure your agents that a real underwriter or other system person will be available to them should they encounter a problem. Provided there is such a person of course. Tell your agents why this will be good for them and how they will benefit. For instance, they can input their submission any time of the day or night 24/7. Explain the features. Can they access their quotes, policies, other info through this system? Ask for suggestions to help make the system easier for them to use. Engage all who will be the actual hands-on folks.

Good luck. I'm sure you will do just fine.

Re: Carrier Trainee: Presentation Help.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:05 pm
by Trainee
Thank you so much for the advice Val!!
Being a young underwriter trainee this is just what I was looking for.
Your insights will definitely help me in shaping the way I will approach my agency visits in the future months.