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Less than two weeks left!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:28 am
by bjwestner
Okay, so I am now less than two weeks away from taking my first CPCU class (CPCU 500). I've read the book twice from cover to cover and have read certain chapters even more than twice. I've gone through the review notes and have taken virtually every exam online.

My exam is 3/5, from now until then, I will read the book again and go through the work book and do those questions. I also have the Smart-Aids definition cards that I have not opened yet that I will study too.

If the real exam is anything like the final practice exam (which I only took once a week an a half ago), then I should pass.

I'm sure that nobody really cares, but I will post what I did to study up to my exam and will also post my grade as I've noticed that many people including myself have come on to this site looking for advice in taking these exams....maybe it will be a bit of help to someone out there.

Re: Less than two weeks left!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:40 pm
by Blondie2
BJ: I care. It sounds like you have done a lot of preparation. Spend these last two weeks focusing on the Educational Objectves in the Workbook. If you do that, I think you will do just fine. Good luck and let us know.

Re: Less than two weeks left!

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:26 am
by FFA
Hi Blondie. How you doin?

Re: Less than two weeks left!

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:27 am
by earlybird
Blondie2 has got it right! Spend our time on the Educational Objectives and you will do well. Good luck!

Re: Less than two weeks left!

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:33 am
by hhrchevy
BJ, You have done all you can do by putting in this time and effort. You should do fine on the exam. Yes, the Education Objectives do steer you toward the important issues of the exam. Just don't let the test anxiety get to you.

Best of luck. This is a tough long endeavor.

Re: Less than two weeks left!

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:39 pm
by wariline
When I took those exams 2 years ago, I felt the most helpful material to pass the exams were the study guides. Many exam questions were similar to those quiz & sample exams. I ususally review all the questions I answered incorrectly the 1st time the night before the test. I think it helped. Just my 2c. Good Luck!

Re: Less than two weeks left!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:41 am
by gregsmith5
CPCU is not that difficult - relax
Ed objectives are some professor blowing smoke - study the definitions are your gold
70% pass, 5% don't buy the books, 5% don't open their books, 10 % are to stupid to pass 10% have a bad day - So what's to worry about ?

Re: Less than two weeks left!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:31 pm
by bjwestner
Hello Everyone,

Thanks for all the great help and encouragement. I passed today. Not sure what I scored exactly, I guess I'll find that out in a few days but I did find out at the end of the exam that I at least passed. I was glad to see that as I thought that I would have to wait several days to find out if I passed or not, at least they let you know after you are done if you passed or not which is the most important thing.

The exam was not that difficult at all. There were a few questions that surprised me but for the most part, if you read the text it was all in there.

I'm going to order the next materials now for cpcu 520. I have only 5 exams left! (I only have to take 6 total since my CLU and FLMI designations will give me credit for two classes). I'm going to try to knock out an exam every 5 to 6 weeks so that I'll be done by the end of the year or so.

I'll continue to post on this thread throughout my experience to help out other potential cpcu students...I know that reading some of the threads already on this topic really helped me out a lot through out the first exam.

Have a great weekend and thanks again!


Re: Less than two weeks left!

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:34 am
by bjwestner
Got my grade today on CPCU 500. I was not aware that you do not get an exact score but a range. I scored between 80 and 89, so I got a B.

To be honest, I did not use the study aids much at all. I purchased the textbook from the Institutes along with the course guide, review notes, and the flash cards. I never once opened the flashcards and only glanced through the course guide and the review notes. I did however end up using some of the sample exams/questions that I was able to download from the Institutes website....this I did find helpful.

I have already ordered the materials for CPCU 520 and this time I did not order the flashcards or the review notes. I just ordered the text and the course guide (so I can get access to the online practice exams). It looks like I'll be taking my next test 4/16 so I'll let you all know what I did to study and how it goes.

CPCU text course guide and studie aids

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:11 pm
by kriegb
If any one is in need of CPCU course text books, course guide, Smart study Aids, Flash cards let me know as I have recently completed the CPCU designation. Also available AIS and AAI 81, 82, 83