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cpcu woes

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:09 pm
by ECA
I have taken numerous Insurance claases (AIS, INS) and started in on some CPCU coursework. I passed a few and recently failed one. I am totally burned out on the studying and testing but am committed to finish what I started. My question - is the salaray, upward mobility, prestige, etc. That much more than an underwriter or an agent??

Re: cpcu woes

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:30 am
by paulbennings
I asked a similar question earlier. I have also spoke with various other people I know in the industry. All answers point to the fact that it is definitely worth it. It is the most prestigious insurance designation you can get. Not that many people have it. Wikipedia says about 65000 people. I called the AICPCU to confirm that and they said it is actually less. This demonstrates that it is indeed difficult and, once attained, worthwhile. I also considered getting an MBA but decided that this would be more beneficial as I was planning on staying in the industry. Everyone I've asked about the wisdom of that decision agrees.

I am now 5 exams thru the course and have had the same feelings here and there. I am also pushing myself to complete it as fast as possible so that might be contributing, but I know how much it helps to be motivated by such facts and statistics. Hope this helps you.

Re: cpcu woes

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:22 pm
by AlstonCPCU
The best way to think of the CPCU is an investment in knowledge and your career. When you invest time in your knowledge, you are never cheated. There are some who may poke fun at the CPCU or CIC or other designations. Those people do not value formal education and reading. The best and most well rounded professional will have a good combination of formal education, road muscle, and work ethic. Those are the people who really set the standard. Do you want to be one of those people? I do. The CPCU is THE designation in the insurance business.

Having a CPCU may not help you in certain situations and it's certainly not a golden ticket. However, I can guarantee you that if you plan to stay in the insurance business, NOT having a CPCU may eventually hurt you. Why not finish the CPCU? It will help you, your employer, and your clients.

Re: cpcu woes

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:05 pm
by Dave Medvidofsky
The fact that only 3-5% of those working in P&C get the designation will, in itself, make you a standout.If at all possible keep plugging away and finish. I've never met anyone that has looked back with regret for putting the time in to earn the designation.