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Using a recorder for CPCU study

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:44 pm
by BrianBaughman
From time to time I see people asking for the best way to study a CPCU test. Although there are numerous ways one thing I've done (currently 6/8 completed) is use a recorder and listen to myself during the day at the appropriate times.

The goal is to use "down-time" such as a commute, time doing chores, 10 minutes before bed(this stuff will knock you out) to recite the Smart Online questions, definitions, or concepts that you are having a hard time grasping.

Example: say the question "what are the fours elements of negligence" twice, then say the answer ("a duty owed, breach of that duty, proximate cause, and actual injury or damage) three times. It may take 45 seconds to do each question, but by the time you have listened to ten questions and answers over and over again they are much more familiar.

Is this something to take the place of studying the course guide, doing the smart online questions, or reading the book? No. This is just another thing that may be helpful. Spend 50 bucks on a recorder at best buy and you'll be glad you did.

One last thing about studying the current books.. there are tons of paragraphs in the book that may contribute to the concept, but may but are useless to you passing the test. If the course guide or smart online questions don't go near the paragraph, focus your time on a concept they do touch on.

Re: Using a recorder for CPCU study

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:59 am
by bjwestner
Interesting question. I purchased a recorder for my most recent exam that I took. I did this because in taking my CLU and RHU courses, I found the cd's that came from the American College very helpful to reinforce the major points of each assignment when I was driving.

Unfortunately, I did not get the same results from doing this on my own and recording my own voice. I found it hard to pay attention to my own voice and it just did not work as well. I tried the same method as the American College cd's, that is by going over the main points in each assignment but again it did not work well for me. Does not mean that it will not work for you, but I found it to be in efficent.

FYI, although I had not tried the Burnham method, I understand that for many of his courses, he does have cd's that you can purchase.