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CARE - Car Accident Resolution Experts - New Product

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 5:21 pm
by meytai
So this new company out now.. called CARE.. short for Car Accident Resolution Experts.. they basically help your client out in the claims process.. call the tow.. handle the rental.. actually file teh claim for you. Now.. this is pretty good product because i do see the need for it.. but it is sad that a company like CARE has to exist.. because insurance companies should be taking care of their clients.. not treating them like crap in the claims process.. and us as the agents/brokers lose the business in turn. Has anyone heard of this new company? what are your thoughts on this?

Re: CARE - Car Accident Resolution Experts - New Product

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:01 pm
by samanthawhite1975
Hi meytai great to see your post im actually the CEO of CARE we brought the product over from the uk just over a year ago hoping that we can do for insurance agents out here what we have done at home. I would be happy to share some success stories we have had so far with clients its my hope that we can work inconjunction with the agents and the carriers to make the whole customer experience more agreeable. Whilst also give agents like yourself a valuable new income stream. Feel free to email me at :P

Re: CARE - Car Accident Resolution Experts - New Product

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:12 pm
by meytai
Reread my post.. i'm educated on your product.. and i'm sold on it.. reread