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..a complicate package prospect question!..

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 pm
by roycheong1031
Hi All:

I have an prospect where she have auto, HO, and couple Rental property that she wants to switch to me, the catch is that her own Home and all the rental property is in a catastropic area and declined by many Standard carrier; It looks like I can only do her Auto and one of the RP. She request to either switch it all together to one carrier or no deal. Any suggestion or advice will be appreciate!!

Re: ..a complicate package prospect question!..

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 5:42 pm
by saabins
is she currently in a standard market? if so, it will be difficult to get an E&S market to be competitive, but that would be my suggestion, an E&S market

Re: ..a complicate package prospect question!..

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 5:46 pm
by roycheong1031
Hi Saabins:

Thanks for the advice. Yes, she's currently with an standard carrier; Because the premium is so attractive, if it's E&S market that can only accept them, which one would you suggest? any advice will be appreciate. Thanks!

Re: ..a complicate package prospect question!..

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:05 am
by wariline
I would suggest you just move on...Perosnally, I wouldn't move an account from Standard marekt to E&S except for extradinary circumstances...and saving a couple of $100 is really not one of them. By the way, what type of "catastrphic area" are we talking about, earthquake, brush or flood? If brush, Travelers, CSE, & Chubb probably all have a higher tolerance among independents.

Re: ..a complicate package prospect question!..

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:10 am
by d's insurance store
You sound like you're new to the business. When you're in the early stages of your career selling insurance, everyone looks like a prospect, especially when it comes to personal lines. Part of the maturation process is going through the identification and quote process for just about everyone, and learning what works and what does not work.

Everybody here selling insurance has traveled that road, and it is with years of experience that you'll learn that indeed, not everyone can benefit by doing business with you, and your career will only move forward when you begin to discern where your time is best spent.

This sounds like one of those instances where for whatever the legacy reason, you have someone placed in a standard/preferred market and stable, you come along and they say 'sure, if you can do as well or better, then I'll be happy to give you the business...' and you start spending the commission dollars in your mind before the sale is made. Some issues just cannot be overcome because of location and try as you might, you just can't better everybody's insurance situation.

Like someone else has suggested, don't stretch to make someone worse off, and E&S from Standard/Preferred is NEVER going to make anyone better off, be honest, move on and start finding people who you can help.

Re: ..a complicate package prospect question!..

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:18 pm
by roycheong1031
Hi D's Insurance Store:

Thank you so much for your suggestion. I did remember once my colleague taught me about it; It is that sometimes you just have to let it go.