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How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:15 pm
by FactsofLife
I read an article recently that posed the question 'Are you a referral wimp?'. It went on to list the common excuses for not asking for a referral such as not having enough time during a meeting, being scared, being pushy, etc.

I concluded that I am a wimp slowly growing out of this bad habit. Lately, I have been asking more often and developing better methods of asking without sounding pushy or desperate. Humor can help, but not every client is interested in your jovialness.

Any advice to chew on for the next round of referral requests? My advice to others is remind the client what you have done over the past 12, 24, 60 months of your time with them and ask if they will provide you with 2-3 names of people that can benefit from the same relationship. If they can't think of any on the spot, ask if you can follow up in a few days.

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:57 pm
by erieagent
Most people like to help others. Be upfront, and honest. Say, "I try to provide the best service I can for my clients. Do you know anyone similar to youself, that you would feel comfortable referring me to. If you do, I ask that you be willing to let them know that I will be calling them. I promise you three things.
1). I will be courtious, and in no way embarrass you.
2) If they do not feel I can be of service to them or they do not want to meet,I will thank them and wish them the best.
3). I will give them the same level of service I have provided to you.
I also understand if you do not feel you can provide me with this service."

I have had many people say that they do not feel they can do that, but never has anyone been rude.
Also if they have called their friend before I call it make my call easier.

An old man that trained me said, "If you go into a man's house, make him better for your being there." If you do that you have no need to be embarrassed about asking for referrals.

Lonnie Bryant

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:27 pm
by sethm
Based on my own experience, I usually got referrals when I contact clients to tell them their policy has been issued. They are usually pleased with the news so I ask them to give at least two other names and numbers of people I can contact. They are usually willing to give some info.

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:04 am
by robmejia
Don't be pushy. That's the basic rule in getting referrals. Your clients are going to willingly provide you with referrals if you ask them courteously . :)

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:59 am
by sacman
I send a thank you letter to each new household.
Simple letter that really works.
I believe that a large percentage of new customers WANT to tell somebody
how much they just saved and how my agency helped them get a better policy
for less premium.

In case anybody cares, here's the letter.
Feel free to use it.

I would like to thank you for your trust and support by placing your insurance needs with my agency. I greatly appreciate your business. Your new insurance policy(s) should arrive by mail in approximately 7-10 days. If you have any questions, at any time, regarding your insurance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In my efforts to grow my agency, I am in need of quality prospects who are interested in discussing their insurance needs. The best source of prospects comes from referrals of current clients. I have enclosed one of my business cards and I humbly ask that you pass it along to someone you know. A friend, relative, co-worker, neighbor, anyone who may be able to benefit from my service and that you feel would be a good addition to my agency.

Again, thank you for your business.


Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:48 am
by pageltd
Another way is to send an emai (if that's the preferred way to contact a particular client) and ask for referrals. I've thought about creating a link to a web page where they could enter the names of people who they are referring. That seems too electronic, but might work in some instances.

Make it a regular part of your day to ask for referrals, create a letter that is natural and non obtrusive, and ask in person.

Most importantly, if someone refers business to you, make sure to thank them!

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:58 pm
by robmejia
Some people might get wary of using online forms to put referrals and might just see it as a SPAM. An old fashioned letter or a direct question still works :)

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:17 am
by William Graham
thanks Sacman for letter
I am using something similar as a letter
but your is better so I am tweaking mine

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:26 am
by BestCarCoverage
Great advice. I think if we are providing quality service the client will notice. It also is a good habit to ask for new business on a regular basis.

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:35 pm
by Autumnle465
I send a thank you letter to each new client thanking them for their business. If one of my clients referred someone I just sold a policy to, I write them a thank you letter for their referral.
I've started to go through my book of clients to cross-sell. If they don't have car insurance or if I have their commercial insurance, I'll send them one of the letters I have saved. The key is your letters. Cold calling or asking for referrals seems too desperate to me. Be honest and educate yourself. That's how you'll earn your clients and keep them.

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:42 am
by William Graham
I have found, Referrals is definitely an art

What works does change over time

But like all sales it involves repetition and law of large numbers.

Letters or cards are important & have helped our agency but by themselves they still fall short

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:45 pm
by Auds
Instead of referrals, have you tried using any lead services?

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 1:47 pm
by policyman
Auds wrote:Instead of referrals, have you tried using any lead services?
Auds are you nuts? Lead services over referrals? :shock:

Referrals are always the best way to grow your business so you are on the right track. In order to be effective you need to be persistant and proactive in asking your clients for referrals. The best way to help get referrals is to show them a list of people who they might know and ask them who you should call. With technology and social media it's easy to find a list of people, whether it's commercial lines or personal. If you are connected with them on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. go through their friends or connections and print a few that might be good canditates for your business. Just don't print off a huge list, keep it manageable for them to review.

Good luck!

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:34 am
by Auds
Thanks policyman! What you say does make sense, I guess I just think that to make a list of people who are maybe connected with your current client who could only maybe be interested in a new agent seems like a smaller shot in the dark than using leads. With good ones, found through SEO and PPC, you know that they already have high interest in finding coverage. What do you think?

Re: How do you ask for a referral?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 11:06 am
by policyman
Obviously as a new agent, you need to start somewhere and leadl ists are not a bad way to get started. From make sure you ask for a referral from every new client you have. Whether you have a list of people or not make sure to be persistant with EVERY client.

You may get some reactive referrals from sasisfied clients, but not enough to keep your pipeline full or achieve your sales goals. Remember a referral is a priorty for you, not your client. If you wait for them to "get back to you", my experience is they never will.

Go get em!