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EOI Request for Refi

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:26 pm
by TiredAgent
I've received several requests recently from the "stagecoach" bank for evidence of insurance with a closing date of March 15th. Insured confirms they are refinancing, but doesn't know the closing date, and okays the issuance of the EOI as he won't get the loan until the bank has the EOI in their file. I used to issue the EOI to the bank and send a change request to the carrier with an effective date of March 15th. However about 100% of the time I get a request from a title company, weeks later, requesting an EOI with the same bank/loan # with a much later effective date. WTF :?: Any suggestions :?:

Re: EOI Request for Refi

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:54 am
by d's insurance store
The entire system for refinance is dysfunctional. I've also experienced title companies calling and requesting EOI's on a RUSH! basis...I'm happy to comply, request the change from the carrier and then 3 months or more later hear from the former lender because they're now off the policy and the refi never went through and nobody bothered to let me know. And, I've gone ahead with carrier change requests, the deal falls apart, nobody notifies me and the former lender never seems to notice they're no longer listed as mortgagee.

I've given attitude is I'll make any change requested in writing from either a lender or title company and if there are problems with E&O down the line, let the burden of proof notice of recission to me be as documented as their original request. I'm just resigned to the fact lenders, title companies and insureds don't care about my issues.

Re: EOI Request for Refi

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:29 am
by Island Girl Agent
Dysfunctional...yup, that's the word. It's like "hurry up and wait". Well in our office, we won't make a mortgagee change without the go-ahead from the client, no matter what. Too many times we've been burned on that same issue. If the client ok's it, then we do it, and we will print on the evidence "subject to payment rec'd and actual closing"

Re: EOI Request for Refi

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:00 am
by TiredAgent
Thanks for the reply. Guess we all just muddle along (sigh).