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Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:21 am
by genYbroker
Hello, everyone.

I am looking for any retired insurance professionals (owner/broker/agent/CSR) who are bored with golfing, going to casinos all day long but willing to share their experiences in the insurance industry and be a mentor.
Well, I'd like to start a new career with insurance/taxation services.
I'm determined to be an IA.
I'm from the area between Los Angeles and Orange County area in southern California.
I've had California FX license for 2 years. I will take my Life license this May.
If you have the heart, please contact me.
If you know anyone is tired from the industry, please refer me to them.

Thank for your willingness in advance.

GenY Broker.

P.S. I also tried to contact the SCORE Orange office for an insurance veteran but it has no one in the insurance business.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:51 pm
by independent guy
I'm a young independant agent who would also like a mentor. However, I think we might have trouble finding retired agents on the internet. Its hard for me to believe that my grandparents don't get up every morning and check their email, its such a part of my life. But if anyone in east-central Illinois is also willing to advise/mentor a young agent, I'd be willing to listen.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:39 am
by genYbroker
Hello, fellow young broker.

Let's hope that someone out there is willing to help.
In the mean time, I keep my fingers crossed and look into other options.

You can also try to see if the SCORE office in your state has someone with insurance experience.
Check them out. Look under Illinois for a local office.
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Best Regards,


P.S To contact me, please click on the PM button for private message.