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Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:55 pm
by bigbass8
What is the best lead source out in the market. (Dallas, Texas) Doing a little research for a possible career change.
I have heard of paying up front for leads or paying a percentage after sales. The issues i hear the most is of course bad lead sources. Not screening the client properly and managers not knowing how to manage their departments. Not sending out mailers, etc....I want to hear what those with experience have to say and what market you all would suggest. Let's say you or an associate, could sell a product if given the proper lead source and build a team. Who would you go with. Thanks,

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:36 pm
by Rob
What line of business?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:04 pm
by bigbass8
Life Insurance/Mortage protection/Burial, mostly....would consider Health. What would you suggest?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:52 am
by NorthridgeIns
Hmmm.....I think you might find that the mortgage protection market is a different market than say final expense/senior market. As such the technics of generating business would be different. I have at one time or another used various lead generation sources and methods, and found that none are 100% reliable and consistent. What works this week, may or may not work next week. The only that that seems to work consistenty is old fashioned relationship building and asking for referrals from happy, satisfied customers.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:58 pm
by Insurance4less
I'd recommend NetQuote. They have reliable volume and quality. I found them via a link listed in the Insurance Journal Directory under Internet leads.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 1:09 pm
by JMS
Selling leads is what we do. We're one of the biggest, and we've been quite successful at it since 1993. If you would like to try some leads for free, just call InsureMe at 800-467-8736 and tell them Jeannine C. told you to call. Hope you don't mind the brief commercial, but since it was asked, I'm glad to supply the info, and honest about who we are. thanks.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 2:28 pm
by bigbass8
Thanks for your replies. What is the success rate with NetQuote and InsureMe? What type of market leads are they? Will the free leads be new leads or old leads? The free leads I have heard individuals receive have been 2 - 3 month old, which are basically dead ends. I have been researching and the ones I have spoken with have worked the Senior Market, where the information for these individuals is crazy. They are out of the age coverage, on oxygen, no checking account and in the worst areas of Dallas. Is this normal? I like to know the Best Lead sources in the Dallas area, whether it is Life Insurance, Senior Market or what is marketable. Tell me what has worked for you out there. Patience and Stubborn I am, so I don't quit. Thanks,

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:56 am
by unikinsure
Does anyone have suggestions for a Commercial or Professional Lines Leads generating company??

Studio City

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 1:39 pm
by JMS
Some of our agents tell us about their success rates, but most play it close to the vest. The best thing I can say is that we have some agents that are still with us after 13 years, and numerous new agents join our program each month. The free leads are brand-new leads, literally just minutes old, which is the only way we distribute our leads. Consumers freely complete our form and know/ask that they will be contacted by agents. We do not incentivize consumers to complete our questionnaire, insuring that they do indeed want an insurance quote and not just a free item. We distribute each lead to up to five agents (never duplicating companies of course). You would select the areas you prefer by zip code, and you could add additional filters (such as age or pre-existing conditions for health leads) to make sure that each lead is your desired type of prospect. We offer health, auto, life, home, and long-term care leads. I can't speak about how others offer leads, just about how we choose to do business. Usually our best source of new agents is word-of-mouth because current agents are so satisfied, they tell their friends about us. (We do offer a 5% agent referral credit as a thank you for referrals.) You can visit our site at the <a href='' target='_blank'>InsureMe Agents web site</a> Hope that helps!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:00 pm
by bigbass8
Thanks, for the information. Sounds great, but not sure this is a direction i want to go in (internet leads). I am looking for someone to provide the leads and use the office space, until i get my feet wet. I was hoping someone in the Dallas, Tx area could help....Thanks,

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:19 pm
by bnwteacher
I am not sure what the website is, but DO NOT USE Sales foecr 911 out of New York. They do preset appoitments, at least that is what they said they would do.