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What is wrong with this forum?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:41 am
by bnwteacher
I do not mean to upset anyone. But, I subscribe to this post and one for loan brokers b/c my company does both. I wish there was a way to get this forum more active and helpful like the loan forum. Many people tend to "withold" helpful info and spend more time complaining about rude subject lines and bad grammar on this one. The loan forum is the best help I have ever seen. Everyone pitches in, helps newbies, and offers constant guidance no matter how trivial the question. This forum makes one feel like a little fish in a pond of monsters. There is a ton of business out there and the more we work together, the better everyone can do. Also, maybe we should try to get more members, tell your friends in the business to get on this site. On the loan forum, we even started a post to appeal to lead companies. We all listed ones that did us wrong, and demanded that some start doing a better job. Sure enough, several lead companies started changing how they did business. When people post on the loan forum, there is a reply within an hour, I have viewed topics here that had no reply for months. I just think it would be great if in insurance we could do the same thing. :cry:

Insurance Journal Forum

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:50 am
by Lee3632005
If you are looking for assistance on risks I would recommend that you look for mentor or a friend in the business that can assist you when the need arises. I personally do not use this forum for technical help or assistance placing business. Our office is part of a cluster group and when I have an issue that I need assistance on I send an email to an administrator that then sends the email to everyone in the network. All the replies are gathered by the administrator and distirbuted every Friday to everyone. I save all of those emails as a future reference. If you are not part of a cluster group I would get a mentor or start your own personal email list of associates that can all help each other out.

Keep in mind that the marketpalce is varied state by state. What a broker does in California might be vastly different from a broker in the midwest states. Also, there is quite a bit of specialization within the industry. Each market segment has its own unique issues. If you are in California and need assistance on small commercial accounts (10 - 100 employees) feel free to PM me. Alan.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:59 am
by bnwteacher
Thank you for your assistance! :)