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Clusters in New York

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:14 pm
by chadfoxman
This is my first time looking into Joining a cluster. I know different clusters have different features, but I am now looking into SIAA and Smart Choice. Is there anyone else I should look at. I spoke to the people at Iroquois insurance and the person I spoke with was just rude and did not want to give me any access to basically any carriers. Does anyone have any ideas. Maybe Superior or Insurance Noodle, or Agent Secure? Any Ideas?

Re: Clusters in New York

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:39 am
by JohnnyLaw
Have been with SIAA for last four years. So far so good. A lot of course depends on the arrangement you are working through. Your satisfaction will be dependent on how fast the marketing employee can turn around quotes if you are like me. The contract called for 5K up front, minimum $300 monthly fee, and 10% of commission that you write outside the arrangement. There are opportunities for direct appts, but this will depend on the size of your book. SIAA has made me competitive with market access which is a huge advantage.

Re: Clusters in New York

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:54 am
by AgencyEquity
You can search for Cluster groups in New York on my website which is linked in my signature.