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Erie Insurance, feedback please.

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:27 am
by Pathwayinsurance
We had a territory rep for Erie insurance make a surprise visit to our agency because of our page one ranking in Google. We turned down Erie seven years ago because they wanted us to get rid of some of our carriers, plus they were only paying 10% Commission on auto insurance at the they pay 15% according to the territory Rep.

I was hoping to hear some feedback from agencies currently representing Erie, like? Dislike?

What are the specific advantages Erie Brings to your agency?

Jack Thomas

Re: Erie Insurance, feedback please.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:56 pm
by ABMCalifornia
Yeah don't you just love it when they just expect you to drop every other carrier?.. If I had a dime everytime I hear that one.. Let me know how it goes with Erie Insurance..

Re: Erie Insurance, feedback please.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:28 am
by gforaker
They called on me several years ago. They definitely consider themselves on the Independent side, but want to be #1 in the agency.

I can't answer about them having increased their commissions, but is sounds odd in this market. It might be a short time come-on for you. Check with some other Erie agents in your State, but not too close so they can talk freely. Maybe check with your State agents' association.

Re: Erie Insurance, feedback please.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:41 am
by Portins
Erie is a great company but they do want to be your number 1 in your agency. They are great at personal lines and small commercial accounts. On the commission side you CAN earn 15% on your autos if you write 100,000 in premium each year with them if its under 100,000 then you only get 10%. They really want you to be at that 100,000 premium mark each year. Wonderful company just not a good fit for everybody. Hope this helps.

Re: Erie Insurance, feedback please.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:40 pm
by Wildwillie
We have had 3 agents try them in our area. All gone - sold to other agencies who dumped them. Know of a very large agent in Ohio that called them into his office and told them to take their books and leave. He did not like the way he was being treated. Rolled it all to other companies.
If you do decide to take them on do not under any circumstances buy their E&O coverage. That is how they keep track of your production with all your companies. :mrgreen:

Re: Erie Insurance, feedback please.

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:41 am
by Pathwayinsurance
Hey guys,

Thanks for the tips, advice, and feedback. I did speak with an Erie agent, he loves the company. But he only receives 10% commission for car insurance. It's hard to take a 50% pay cut and they expect you to be the #1 carrier. We decided to stop looking further as they only write in 2 out of 4 states we do business in.

Re: Erie Insurance, feedback please.

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:40 am
by randrew54
I would stay away from Erie. Erie has appointed too many agents and their competitive position has taken a turn for the worse. Erie's compensation is low and their systems are terrible! Don't fall for the bonus trap either.

Re: Erie Insurance, feedback please.

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:18 am
by Long Island agent
I've been in the insurance business for a long time; 39 years, 38 years in the agency side, and 30 years as an agency owner. One important thing that I learned in that time is that insurance companies will only do what's best for them, not what's best for their agents, their insureds, or even their own employees. The only ones who matter in the long run at big share holders and top executives.

So when a company tells you how great they are but that their commission levels are lower than what you need to make a living, run the other way.

When a company tells you that you have to make them number 1 in your agency, run the other way even faster. If they can't earn that spot with service, price, good products, and treating you well, they don't deserve it.

When companies like Progressive or Erie offer to write business for you but at lower commissions than you need to survive, there is something wrong. Look for companies that value your business.