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It can happen to us too

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:20 am
by beyert1
We always tell our clients to do certain things to protect their assets such as, get the make, model and serial number of your high value items. Well, I did this but not for everything in my office. Last Tuesday, the 15th of October, my office was broken into and several items were stolen, my laptop computer, a 40" computer monitor, 40" television, an iPod, and a 32" television. They broke through a double pane window and went to town. Luckily I kept no personal or business data on my laptop and it had multiple passwords on it so, good luck to them. But, when the police asked for the serial numbers on the televisions and laptop computer I did not have them. I did have the iPod serial number because I had just purchased it and the receipt was in my email. I at least knew the makes of the television, they were not expensive ones but they were mine, and the make and model of the laptop but again that won't do use much good if they try and pawn them.

So, what I am getting at is, even though we tell people how to protect their assets we need to do to the same things, get the make, model and serial number and a picture if you can. Store the information where you can get to it. Also, put a lojack type program on your laptop and computers. I found a free one by the way and you can download it at . We are just as vulnerable as anyone out there. We make every attempt to trust our clients that they will not be the ones who feel they want your stuff more than you do. Now, I know it was not one of my clients so I am good about that.

This is a warning and a reminder don't let yourself be the shoe cobblers son.

Re: It can happen to us too

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:06 pm
by yoyowordup
Does a serial # really help? What are the chances that they find your laptop? I'm sure there is a chance, but I'm guessing very slim. Most of my computers are Dell so they have the service tag on them and that is stored in my dell account. But that is computers only, no monitors, scanners etc.

Re: It can happen to us too

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:58 am
by beyert1
Serial numbers can help because they are tracked by the police and distributed to pawn shops. Now, if they are sold on the "black market" then it will obviously do no good. But most of these guys are looking for a quick buck and pawn shops are it. You may have Dell but I did not and with the service tag it does not track it. That is why I suggested the Prey Project website to monitor your equipment if it is turned on.

I mean, don't we tell our clients to get this information? Why should we not do it ourselves?

Re: It can happen to us too

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:32 am
by JNA Insurance
We also had a claim, not theft related but our water heater burst in our office causing much damage. We tell our clients to take time to document serial numbers etc, keep proof of our items, what we decided to do is video tape everything. Is anyone recommending that to their clients?

If so where do you tell them to keep the video?


Re: It can happen to us too

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:54 am
by Pathwayinsurance
JNA Insurance wrote:We also had a claim, not theft related but our water heater burst in our office causing much damage. We tell our clients to take time to document serial numbers etc, keep proof of our items, what we decided to do is video tape everything. Is anyone recommending that to their clients?

If so where do you tell them to keep the video?


As a suggestion you may want to create a YouTube channel and upload the videos there. Don't worry about other people seeing your stuff, you can make it private and only those with your password can see it. Another option is keep it on a flash drive stored someplace other than your house or office. (Just don't keep your flash drive in your house or office otherwise if it is destroyed so too is your proof)