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Homeowners policies and building a new home(Liability)

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:25 am
by rcenters
There are two situations here and basically I am trying to confirm that there is or is not any coverage under Homeowners for liability arising from building your own home.

Situation one is when the homeowner acts as their own GC. I happen to be looking at Erie's homeowner form and I can't find any specific liability exclusion for this, except and unless it was defined as a business pursuit, which logically you would think that it is not since you aren't doing it for a profit.

Two, is when you've hired a GC to do the job for you.

Since I work in Commercial I of course recommend that people building a home obtain CGL coverage, and from a coverage standpoint that certainly works. The reason I'm asking though, is I've heard suggestions from clients that maybe this could be covered under personal policies and if I'm charging someone $500 or $1000 minimum premium for CGL that they think they can do under Homeowners for a lot less, they aren't too happy.

Any thoughts on this?

Re: Homeowners policies and building a new home(Liability)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:25 am
by jtownagent
If you are a member of IIABA sign onto their Virtual Univeristy page and review an article "Insured Locations and Dwellings Under Construction". There may be other articles of value relating to this subject as well. Any IIABA member has free access to this valuable free resource. You will need to obtain a sign on and password from IIABA, then click on resources, then click on Virtual University. if you are not a member you will need to become one or get a paid subsciption.