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Moral Hazard in Hotel Protection

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:49 pm
by zqd9853572002
Dear All,

We are now developing the hotel protection product to an online travel agency, we want to insure the hotel reservation deposit if the insured cannot check in the hotel due to the covered reason, such as accident or severe injury to the insured, the bad weather or the terrorism, the new job offer or new job arrangement and etc.. And we want to charge the premium at the percentage (such as 5%) of the room rate. However, here is a risk that seems we have to consider.

That is the travel agency may use this protection to get benefit of the unsold rooms. For example, the room is normal $100 per night, the agency could mark the room price on its website at $250, if the agency cannot sell the room, the agency may authorize its one employee to purchase the room and the protection at $250+premium, then the employee files the claim with the covered reason, such as the new job arrangement, which the agency is easy to issue the letter and evidence. In this way, the agency seems could deal the unsold room easily, and even could benefit from this deal. Even we set any deductible, we still cannot avoid this risk. For example, in the above case, if we set 50% deductible, the agency still could benefit $25 after it.

So we are getting stuck here and affect our product development. :oops: So is here any suggestions that we could avoid or mitigate this risk? Thank you.


Re: Moral Hazard in Hotel Protection

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:37 am
by Jarustech

Are you developing this for the online travel agency to offer to it's customers? From what I'm understanding is that the travel agency will be able to offer this to it's customers to ensure the hotels receive their reservation deposit - but the travel agency employees could also file a claim, or use the coverage, if the room is not sold...correct?

If this is the case, and to be honest I'm just throwing out an idea, but couldn't you put a clause into the policy stating that none of the travel agency employees could file a claim for the "new job" peril? Or that they could take out a claim but have to pay the deductible plus the insurance premium, or the cost of the claim. I've never really heard of hotel protection, nor do I have any experience with it or developing new insurance products but I feel that if you're developing it then you can set the standards.

One more thought is couldn't you develop you're own type of experience modifier? Meaning that it gives the insured a benefit not to put through a claim like that. If for example they operate for a period of time without any claims then they get a discount which over time would leave them able to offer insurance at a very low cost, therefore making people more likely to do business with them?

Just throwing some ideas out there...hope this helps.

Re: Moral Hazard in Hotel Protection

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:10 pm
by AAA
I would set a time-limit to have booked the room - at least 30 days (those that book during hurricane season 29 days out are just going to have to take their chances :) ). The coverage would only be offered to those who had booked the room that far in advance. Then, I would limit the payment amount to the lowest-priced room sold by the hotel in the past 60 days or so. You would just put that in a "what we would pay" clause in the endorsement. If the cost was only 5% of the charged room rate, I still think they would buy it. If they had to cancel, they would be happy to get at least something back. The deductible seems high at 50%.

Re: Moral Hazard in Hotel Protection

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:52 pm
by talkcarinsurance
Moral hazard and fraud is always there with any type of insurance products. So you need to calculate the likelihood of false claims and build this into your premium.

Re: Moral Hazard in Hotel Protection

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:02 am
by zqd9853572002
Dear All,

Thank you for your reply. I just checked with claim team, and seems there is no record of this problem happened, or say the product is good although the claim amout is far above our expectation. So we may put the product to domestic market in next few months if its performance is fine. :D

Thank you again : )
