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Enterprise Ins Co

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:50 pm
by mightyquinn
I'm a wholesaler with 45 years in this business and I thought that I had seen most weird stuff but now......again.....the Enterprise Ins Co [located in Ghana] is popping up again in California writing contractors. Now we know that many GC's and subs buy insurance only so that they can have Certs of Ins issued and they do not give a damn about the repercussions of their work, but this is over the top and it seems that the CA DOI is not willing to address this issue.

Has anyone else in CA or elsewhere had any experience with this nondomestic alien nonadmitted nonLESLI list market?????

Re: Enterprise Ins Co

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:27 pm
by yoyowordup
In 45 years you must have seen this happen many times. I've seen it in Arizona over and over. What exactly is your concern? If you have clients that are buying insurance to protect themselves you should have no problem beating out this unrated carrier. If you have clients buying only for price, do you want them?

Re: Enterprise Ins Co

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:53 am
by mightyquinn
If you were the retailer would it make no difference to you that a client to escape the high CA MPs for condo building purchases instead a policy from an African based insurance company which is not licensed to do business in the US? Try a $50K MP vs $3500 from the African company. It provides a cert to the lender which is all they wanted. Have you ever heard of the Insurance Co of Sark? The Insurance Company of the Turks & Caicos? Similar scam situations.

Re: Enterprise Ins Co

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:24 pm
by Libby1958
I don't know what state you're in, but we can't write with any carrier not on the ESLI list. It's illegal.

Re: Enterprise Ins Co

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:00 pm
by mightyquinn
Weel, gosh golly gee. I''m in CA and despite being not legal its being done. Illegal and not on the LESLI list does not stop con men and this company is being pushed by their equals.

Re: Enterprise Ins Co

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:57 am
by des5500
Interesting that the GC's and Prime Contractor's accept the Certificates of Insurance for this carrier. After all, it is their primary liability coverage that provides the insurance if the underlying carrier goes bankrupt or cannot be found to pay. Perhaps bringing this to the attention of the state level Association of Building Contractors or to a politically tied in agent would grab the attention of the Insurance Commissioner. New York Insurance Commissioners and Attorneys General have made careers out of "solving" insurance problems for their constituents. Perhaps it will work in California as well...does Dave have political aspirations, I wonder??? LOL

Re: Enterprise Ins Co

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:47 pm
by mightyquinn
Good idea, but this being CA things just keep getting weirder. As we all realize even the most professional contractors turn over certficates to drones with a punch list and no understanding of carrier ratings or endorsements. Most of us now accept that as totally hopeless so its gratifying and not even an annoyance when a contractor regardless of class or size actually asks questions about certs.

As re political ambitions, Dave's last name is Jones & he is white so its unfruitful for him to have any political ambitions in this state. Its strange and unfortunate that the DOI chooses to not enforce the insurance statutes to protect CA citizens from Nigerian predators but in this incipient third world state that is the way that it is. For those of us who have owned our own business since the days of reason and fair play, it is probably time to retire, take our profits and move elsewhere leaving CA to the jackals......and Ghanians.