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Is L&H really that tough to sell?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:28 pm
by 92builder
I'm getting hit by a bunch of the groups/brokers that want me to sell life and health insurance as part of the group. Is this so terrible? PLS tell me what I should expect with this line of insurance, and please, don't hold back!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:49 pm
by jrichd
It is not hard, although work is required because L&H is not insurance required by law. You have to show your prospect the need for your product.

Everyone will want to know what your warm leads are so they can determine
how valuable you will be to them. Trust me, no matter what they tell you,
you are on your on to find prospective clients. So, don't quit your day job unless you are sure you can make it.

After doing it full time, I took a corporate job and did insurance on the side.
I am doing so well doing both, that I am now looking for other part-time agents.


Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:54 pm
by 92builder
THANK YOU for the honesty. I'm actually being pursued the heaviest by a company that caters to a specific organization and they have "tons" of leads that just need someone to call on them. Easy, right?

What state are you in that you're looking for other agents?