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Poor Customer Service

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:36 pm
by channel
Recently I again experience a very poor service at Superior Access. The applications I sent there all went in a black hole. Yes, they sent back in an hour a confirmation that they received my applications. But what good does that do for me when I don't hear back from them for days. When I call for status, I can never get a hold of an underwriter. Their customer service department doesn't know anything about insurance. If I lucky to get a hold of the underwriter, then they tell me my application is not on their system and I have to refax again. It is very frustrating working with an irresponsible wholesaler like that. They make me look bad to my customer and my E&O is on the line. Fortunately, there are many good wholesalers out there. They may not offer an instant online quote, but I get a firm quote back within a day. I rather do business the old fashion way and know for sure that they take care of my applications. I decided to take all my business $200,000 in premium from SAIS to another wholesaler in LA. Good luck to all agents out there that are still doing business with SAIS.

Superior Access

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:32 am
by shemeshka
Channel, I know what you're talking about. I was considering them once, but before subscribing I asked for a trial login and password, and submitted a "trial" account to them. I tried to get a hold of an underwriter but it took me awhile. Finally, when I reached the underwriter who found my "trial" account he was absolutely unprofessional. I decided I'd never bring them any of my business.
Let's make all new agents aware of it!

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:12 pm
by InsAgent
I've heard about Superior Access' poor service and this is the reason I choose not to do business with them. Channel and Shemeshka, I don't know were you are located, but I have had very good luck with RL at Access E & S in San Diego. Very courteous & professional and returns phone calls immediately. Quote turn around is exceptional. Good luck.

Cannot Complain

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:03 pm
by coolnmellow
I have had great service from Superior Access. They have never lost an application and are always professional with my staff and I. It is funny how one person can have a good experience with a company and others bad experiences with the same company. I have had bad experiences with some other Brokers just not this one.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:01 pm
by Rob
Same poor service experience here as well. This is a wholesaler that wants to charge you a subscription fee to place business with them!! If thats the case at least have great service and people who speak English. I did not renew my subscription because I figured If I want crappy service there are plenty of places I can get that from for free.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:22 am
by sanekkspb
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Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 2:27 pm
by Farmer
My producers and I have been using SAIS for about 3 1/2 years. In that time I have been able to grow my book of business exponentially. Sure every once in a while they goof, but dont we all???
I have used other wholesalers in the past (no names) and compared to the issues I experienced with them, SAIS has done fine by me. In regards to never being able to ge an underwriter, in the past that used to be a task, but in the past 8-10 months they have gotten quite better.

"We all strive for perfection, but how attainable is perfection? Progress is in the understanding that we are not perfect and recognizing our faults and striving to correct them" - Anonymous

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:09 pm
by bindscott
It's unfortunate that some of you had bad experiences with certain GA's. Don't know much about Superior Access but I know this for sure. I am on the MGA side myself and here are some facts:

1. During the hard market, MGA's tend to act like standard markets. Two reasons for this. First, certain E & S carriers enforce stricter rules and guidelines. Second, GA underwriters are inundated with apps.

2. Most of us (MGA U/W) are on salary. We get paid whether we write the account or not. However, it is important for us to keep our production high while keeping the loss ration low since some of us are paid bonuses or profit sharing. Hence some rudeness won't hurt the UW or the firm. Many owners of MGA's would agree that it's important to focus on maintaining an agency that can produce and terminate a bunch that don't.

3. Each UW may deal with over 100 different retail producers. Each producer (1 agency) may send as many as 5 to 10 apps a day. Some may only send 1 app per month. The closing ratio on some agencies are better than others. We tend to work closer and provide faster service to those agencies that can actually produce and not waste time.

4. When receiving a very first submission from a new agency, we notice things very quickly. Some submissions are half complete while others maybe fully complete with supplemental, loss runs, brief description and comment about the risk, etc... One thing UW's hate the most is when the description of operation simply states "Commercial Building (period!)". When the submission is crappy, we tend to disregard and pay more closer attention to those cleaner, complete submissions.

5. Many GA's have adopted and started implementing "Clearance System". This allows each UW and branch offices to share data. Once a submission is received, it must go through clearance desk first to make sure there are no other prior submissions. The clearance deak must enter the data before it get's delivered to the UW.

Now the solutions to the above facts:

1. The market's softening up. Carriers are hungry for business. UW's are still inundated but not as bad as before. Try to build a relationship with one that you like. Talk to them about hobbies other than insurance. We love to chat. Not long but a short discussion about the illegal immigration problems won't hurt.

2. This is something you will need to find out for yourself. Find other GA's that have the same carriers that the rude GA's have. For example, go to any of the carrier website and search. I would never do business with people that don't appreciate my business and neither should you.

3. Closing ratio is not fully up to the retail producer. However, every once in a while try sending in an account that you know will bind for sure (ie. renewal account from a different GA). Call and ask before submitting.

4. Complete submission comes with specialty experience. I know this because some agents with 20 years of auto insurance experience has no clue how to fill out an ACORD 125, let alone obatining loss runs. Don't be afraid to call any GA UW and ask what and how to fill out something. Ask before submitting and request supplemental apps. Few extra minutes spent on a single submission could result in a real postive result for you and your client.

5. Fastest way to submit is via e-mail. Try to send in your submission and CC a copy to your designated UW. Faxing is usually slower.

As for GA's not answering or returning your calls, I am guilty of this myself. But please understand that we cannot be available all the time and sometimes, we do make agency visits and not in the office all the time. If you have a real good relationship with an UW, he/she may give you his/her cell number and you could reach him/her. We all carry one of those :D 8)

Now a question for channel, what does SAIC have that other GA's don't? Why put up with poor service?

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:48 am
by InsAgentSF
WOW, These are great insights!!!. Thank you very much

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:51 am
by Farmer
I must certainly agree with you Bindscott, I have developed excellent relationships with a few underwriters at SAIS and find that treating them the way I want to be treated has facilitated a great connection.
I would like to ask my fellow agents here, when was the last time you used them (SAIS)? I ask simply because my experience with them has been quite the contrary to those of you who state have had a bad experience.
For my growing agency SAIS has provided access to a ton of markets, higher commissions than that of other GA's and reliable service.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:27 pm
by sanddog1
Wow Bindscott, very impressive article. Its hard to believe you have this much time on your hands. I totally agree with you, I was told SAIS pretty much deal with farmer agents. And that's got to be a learning experience in it self. I personally never needed to use a placement service for carriers. We cancelled our agreement with them as they were very ineffective
(servicing and commissions) and had develop a better agreement with some of the same carriers. SAIS is a good avenue for the newbie and yes the farmers agent. Remember you farmers agents " first rights to refusal of all market placements."