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Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:29 am
by bhamsam
Good afternoon everyone,

I'm in Birmingham, AL, new to Insurance Journal and have been an associate with NW for 16 months now. I was hired as a "commercial producer" and in my time here I have done that. However, I had a conversation with an IA recently where he stated "I didn't know NW did any commercial." I would've brushed it off, but I have had more "no's" from underwriting than yes's, so it kind backed up the issues I've had.

My question to the masses would be, what is the industry view of NW? Not just from the commercial side. I'm at the tail-end of my 20's and would like to think that I'm with a company that I can be successful for and with, but at the same time, I'm working FOR a primary... So my book isn't my book, etc etc.

Just looking for some guidance or support or advice. Stay the course, find an independent book to buy?

Thank you in advance.


Re: Nationwide

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:02 pm
by d's insurance store
I'm not able to figure out if you're working for Nationwide or some other entity that markets for Nationwide, but nonetheless, your question about your future w/Nationwide should probably directed in a gentle way to your immediate boss about where you might be within the organization in 3 or 5 or 7 years given your proven skills and accomplishments.

As for your other written options, know that the world is your oyster if you have mastered the skills of insurance production, whether you ply your trade as an employee or as a self employed person. Also, if you haven't already figured it out for yourself, every commercial insurance carrier has sweet spots that vary depending on location and trends, and when you receive underwriting 'no's', then you're probably stepping out of the comfort zone that the company has established for itself. Staying on the path that the carrier is setting and doing your best to become the expert in at least a couple of those risk categories will go a long way towards career success either continuing with Nationwide or looking elsewhere. And, if the risk markets seem too limiting to you, then there are lots and lots of other venues where you can find market categories to sell into.

Re: Nationwide

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 5:04 pm
by justthere
In California anyways, Nationwide has had a history of coming into the state with all guns blazing, buying the commercial business and then dropping everything 2-4 years later and then repeating this cycle a few years later. I have seen this over 30 years. Please understand that Nationwide is not alone in operating this way but most carriers seem to do that in the Work Comp arena while Nationwide is non-discriminatory and cuts a wide swath. I know a number of ex-Nationwide agents.

Re: Nationwide

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:23 pm
by etimer
I know several Nationwide owners and I don't think they've ever considered Nationwide to be a big player in the commercial arena. AO and HO yes, with some life but commercial.....I wouldn't call them a commercial player.

bhamsam wrote:Good afternoon everyone,

I'm in Birmingham, AL, new to Insurance Journal and have been an associate with NW for 16 months now. I was hired as a "commercial producer" and in my time here I have done that. However, I had a conversation with an IA recently where he stated "I didn't know NW did any commercial." I would've brushed it off, but I have had more "no's" from underwriting than yes's, so it kind backed up the issues I've had.

My question to the masses would be, what is the industry view of NW? Not just from the commercial side. I'm at the tail-end of my 20's and would like to think that I'm with a company that I can be successful for and with, but at the same time, I'm working FOR a primary... So my book isn't my book, etc etc.

Just looking for some guidance or support or advice. Stay the course, find an independent book to buy?

Thank you in advance.


Re: Nationwide

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:46 pm
by Companyman
Nationwide has been trying to make inroads into the commercial space for years. Historically they were not, but with the purchase of Allied in the 90's and Harleysville in 2012(or so) they are trying to get bigger in that line of business through aquiring companies and expanding their knowledge. In AL, Allied nor Harleysville had any business, but in other areas of the country they are stronger based on this history. They are also marketing it more to try and grow that segment of their company. They, Nationwide, also have Scottsdale and Nationwide Agribusiness (which does much more than farms) as part of their portfolio of companies.

Re: Nationwide

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:48 pm
by yoyowordup
Allied Insurance has been a player in the commercial marketplace in Arizona off and on for many years. Scottsdale Insurance company definitely has its place throughout the country. Aren't they both commercial limbs for Nationwide?

On the personal side, I can't have respect for any company who's national marketing campaign focuses on their differentiation because they "replace" your personal property on a homeowners policy claim. Any agent/carrier that hasn't been including RCC where available for the last 30+ years is not doing their client any service.

Re: Nationwide

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:53 am
Some very good, thoughtful feedback from other members. I focus 100% on commercial business, and while Nationwide does indeed own some commercial markets, the majority of their focus is personal lines. I've yet to lose business to Nationwide, and I've taken a considerable amount from them. In addition to their own markets, they also have access to E&S markets, which should help a considerable amount...

On the whole, however, I wouldn't stay with Nationwide for any considerable amount of time. As other posters have mentioned, commercial isn't their strong suit, and you won't own your book of business (with a possible exception being the E&S written business).