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reinsurance company

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:39 pm
by justinarabo
I am looking for a reinsurance company to back one of my products. The company said they will only deal with me if I have a reinsurance company that is backed on an unlimited basis. I tried to Google it but cant seem to get through and don't really know what to do. Please help!!!

Thank you,


Re: reinsurance company

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:56 am
by gregcw
I'm not really sure I understand your question. In reading it, it sounds like you may be an insurance agent and need to have an Errors & Omissions policy. It also sounds like you may be either a manufacturer or a wholesaler. In that case you would need a Business Owners Package Insurance policy, a Commercial Liability Policy or a Commercial Package Policy covering your business operations and products liability.