Superior Access

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Post by InsuranceMaster »

Hello all.

I am considering signing up with Superior Access and would appreciate any feedback from those of you who have worked with this wholesaler in the past.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by SuperiorAccess »

Dear Insurance Master, I am one of the owners over here at Superior Access and saw your post today. I am very pleased with your interest and quite eager to work with you. We believe strongly in what we do and in our abilities and would be happy to provide you with a free demonstration and tutorial as well as a 24 hour pass to try us out at no risk or expense tou you. If you sign up after that and find at any point that we fail to meet your needs, please let me know personally and I will make it right or refund your money if you'd like.

Superior Access has added more markets(Hartford, Safeco, CNA, St. Paul Travelers, Zenith, AIG, FIC, First American Etc.), technology and Agency service staff this year than in the preceding 5 years. Over 50% of subscribers are referred to us by existing subscribers that like us so well that they refer us to their peers.

My direct number is (800) 272-7550 Ext. 500. My e-mail is I welcome your comments, inquiries and suggestions and sincerely hope that when your due diligence is complete, we are granted the opportunity to serve you.

Mike Mayo
E-VP, E-Business, SAIS, Inc.
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Post by InsuranceMaster »

i see
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Post by Insurance4YourBiz »

As I stated in a previous topic, I use Superior Access as a last resort for some small commercial risks. Personally, I have found their service lacking. Maybe their underwriters are overworked but I have had difficulty getting a response to e-mails and phone messages. In fact, I have one artisan contractor's g/l policy through Superior Access and tried to endorse an equipment floater. I telephoned several times, e-mailed, and faxed my request for a quote. Never received any response. If you can't do it or don't want to do it at least let me know that. I went ahead and wrote it mono-line through someone else and will be moving the G/L at renewal.

I have also had problems with their on-line price indications. One specific instance, the commercial auto premium quoted was quite a bit higher than the price indication. The way their system works is you enter all of the info on their on-line app and receive a price indication on-line. Then you print the application and request to bind and are supposed to submit a signed application and request to bind based on the price indication. Then underwriting happens. This is where I have had problems. On the commercial auto incident, they came back with a significantly higher premium. They claimed the difference was due to the garaged zip code being wrong. My application was correct. Any error was within their on-line rating system. I for one stand behind my quotes given to my customers and I paid the difference to avoid a lapse in coverage. I tried to get Superior Access to step up and maybe split the difference with me--but that got nowhere.

Take from my personal experience what you want. I only have a small amount of premium with them and not every instance has been a problem. But I just want to let you know I do not and would not rely on Superior Access as my main source for personal or commercial markets. One good thing about Superior Access is the low cost--you may take Mr. Mayo up on the free demonstration and try it out for yourself. Maybe even see if he would let you submit apps and not charge their $200 until you bind your first policy. Hope this helps.
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Post by InsuranceAdvice »

My experience with Superior Access is similiar. I originally signed with them just after they started with a web based program. In the early days, it was possible to get telephone assistance, but as they grew, the front line staff (especially for LIVE, on line help) couldn't answer any of the questions that were not covered by guidelines.

Also in the early days, their markets for both personal and commercial would suddenly withdraw, and the remarketing was never easy. In fact, I actually had one homeowner policy where the carrier withdrew, and Suprior promised a seamless transition, fall through the cracks with no renewal, no cancellation notice, no nothing.

My final attempt to continue to do business with them came earlier this year after the imposition of the $200 fee. They began to tout the Balboa Tier 5 program in California that was promoted as a very loosely underwritten program with a high rate. I went to their on line system and it wouldn't give me a quote. I called cust service and was told that program was only for high loss profile risks. I then called Patty in Personal Lines underwriting and she verbally shrugged and apologized for the mis-information and promised a manual quote. But with the questionable in force service, the not so complete on line guides for risk selection and acceptance and the low commission rates, it just wasn't worth continuing.

My opinion is that Superior Access is made up of a bunch of well intentioned and well meaning people, and some of them reallly know their stuff, but there just aren't enough of them to handle the amount of business they're trying to place, and anything needing a nuance to see if it fits can be neglected. Yet, that's why most of us want to use them. I've got the standard appointments for the mainline stuff, it's the risks with slight problems and questions that Superior can add value for.

Just my opinion.
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Post by InsuranceMaster »

I've gone to the Superior Access website and twice requested to be contacted for the online demo. It has been almost a week and I have not been emailed or called.

Maybe I'll just stick with InsuranceNoodle for my online wholesale source. Although, I am drawn to the personal and surplus lines offerings of Superior Access, it seems they do not have appropriate support.
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Post by resource »

Insurance Master...there are a minimum of 13 alternative facilities offering access to preferred & standard markets, such as, ATM [American Team Managers], The Big "I" - Association,, InsureX, ISU International, KZ Insurance Brokerage, LLC., Networked Insurance Agents, Pacific Interstate Insurance Brokers, SIAA [Strategic Independent Agents Alliance] T. V. Humpreys [a division of SMMA] United Valley Insurance Services, WIAA Insurance Services - Association.

Each of these organizations offer various models [i.e., by affiliation, by membership, by network and via wholesaler] represent different markets, write in different states, etc.

To view and access information for these 13 alternatives, including their contact info., some of the markets they represent and be linked to their web sites, please log-on to as a New Visitor.

You will be taken to the Site Directory. First section - View Markets by Class of Business click VIEW Button [first option] Access --- Preferred & Standard --- Markets.

Next page, you Selected: click button View this Class of Business. This section displays the markets alphabetically and the 13 alternatives. You can click on the name and be taken to their Profile, providing contact information, a link to their Web Site and some of the markets they represent.

Access to this information and other resouces on our site, are no cost to independent agents & brokers.

Please feel free to contact our office, should you have any questions whatsoever.

Respectfully provided by:

Kay E. Collins
Director of Marketing & Partner
800 432-7003
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Post by SuperiorAccess »

My goodness, we certainly didn't expect to be the entire topic of discussion in the online forum, but as long as we are, please allow me, Mike Mayo, one of the owners of Superior Access to contribute further to the roundtable.

I have seen a great deal of feedback on the subject of Superior Access and would like to thank you all for this information that will help us to better fine-tune our organization to meet your needs.

Please allow me to give you an honest take on my impression of the discussion so far.

Superior Access is good, as evidenced by the fact that even those with critisms appear to be subscribers, but is in need of improvement in some areas. We want you to know that you are right, we are growing fast as agents continue to refer more and more of their peers to us.

I am sure that you have all experienced growth in your own organizations that require you to reevaluate the resources that you have to handle that growth. We too, are a business with these same challenges. One of you said that you believed Superior Access was run/staffed by well-meaning people and I want to assure you that you are correct. But more importantly we hear you loud and clear. We want to be your market of first resort, we want to meet your needs, we want to do whatever we have to to serve you in the best way possible.

To that point, this week alone we have added two new customer service representatives to our agency support center and three new highly experienced company-side underwriters were hired as well. On Monday our real-time Safeco quoting goes live for BOP, Commercial Auto, Work Comp and Personal Auto. In the beginning of November we will roll-out our completely revamped website with full product search and quoting capabilities. We have spent seven months in programming and millions of dollars (our own money, not venture capital) improving what we do and how we do it to better meet your needs.

Superior Access and myself are committed to doing whatever it takes to earn your business. I welcome your comments, hope to earn your praise and remain available to evry one of your directly via e-mail ( or phone (800) 272-7550.

If you haven't used Superior Access lately, you haven't used Superior Access.
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Post by CompPro »

Insurance master, there are lots of alternatives for a new agent seeking markets. I applaud your choice to venture out on your own and personally feel that insurance is the best industry for me. Everyone needs it, it's recession proof and I have the respect of my community and those that I help.

I don't usually read these things, but the Superior Access topic caught my eye. I started out with them years ago when they went by the name AXA. After the Northridge quake I lost all my Homeowners markets almost overnight. They sent me a fax saying that they had a market and for homeowners and really saved my bacon.

I've had both ups and downs with them. They had some really good work comp markets, but then they seemed to go away when everyone left the State. They had some customer service difficulties too when they were growing really fast with all their internet stuff.

But I think that is only fair to say that they have fixed a lot of that. I write a lot of business with their AIG work comp program. I don't know anyone else that will do new ventures and contractors. The service has really improved a lot too. Bottom line is that they are there and have been with me through good times and bad. We kind of understand each other now and I am pleased with the new markets that they have added this year that will really help me out.

I recommend that you give them a try, but also continue to check out other resources as well. I learned after the northridge quake to never put all your eggs in one basket.
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Post by InsuranceMaster »

Mike Mayo or anyone who uses the Superior Access system:

How are submissions done for small commercial?

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Post by Rob »

I saw another posting regarding superior access where Mike Mayo disputed some facts the person posted such as inaccuracies with quotes and service issues. He gave a standard reply and welcomed emails from anyone. As a prior subscriber turned off by their lack of service and then asking for money to subscribe to their substandard service, I felt I should email him and let him know my experience. That email was sent on 9/20/04 and I never received a response saying anything...not "sorry you had a bad experience", not "thanks for your comments", not an offer to waive the subscription fee....nothing. This is typical of Superior Access and I guess habits come from the top down. Call them and leave a message and you will not get a return phone call. Email them and you probably won't get a reply (depending on who you email). This goes back to 2002 and 2003 as well. Notice though that when you are a prospect, you get a lot of attention. When you become a customer, thats another matter. If they say they've improved, I would certainly give them another chance. But I'm not going to gamble $200 on giving them another chance. If they want my business and want to prove to me that they've improved, they would have to waive the $200 subscription fee, which won't happen.
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Post by SuperiorAccess »

Insurance Master, thank you for your inquiry and Rob, I am sorry for your experience. None of my posts are standard or pat answers. I am not some large company executive of a publicly traded company but an insurance agent since 1990 that is doing my level best to bring agents what I wish that I had when I was them. Superior Access is good, but it is not perfect. Nor is any other organization or agency perfect.

Insurance Master, in response to your inquiry, Superior Access is different in that the majority of its quotes are given in real time right from our website. We either integrate into the company systems or use their own rate filings to create real-time quoting and preliminary underwriting application for our subscribers. Many other entities take two to three days to return a quote. The Superior Access subscriber can enter the information, hit enter and depending upon the line of business recive an instat quote or quotes and completed application should they like to request binding. We offer over 10 personal lines companies and have over 30 different insurance companies or programs that quote in real time including 5 work comp companies, preferred carriers such as Safeco and The Hartford and even Excess Surplus lines in real time for tough to place accounts that the other guys won't consider.

As stated previously, you are welcome to try it for 24 hours at no charge before signing up. If you like it, join. If not, we wish you success wherever you go. Superior Access helps most, but is not for everyone in that some can't quite get used to working and quoting over the internet in real time.

I personally call every new producer that signs up to thank them for their business, welcome them on board and schedule their initial training and tutorial. Last week alone, 31 new agencies signed up as Superior Access subscribers. 26 of the 31 that signed up were refered to us by existing and happy subscribers.

You will always find disgrunteled or disstisfied participants in any venture, but the vast majority as evidenced by the referals, our growth and the feedback I receive are pleased with the service.

Mike Mayo
EVP, E-Business and Principal
Superior Access
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Post by Sundance »

So I see Superior Access and I see InsuranceNoodle... do both of them offer commercial & personal lines? Are their programs available in Texas?

I would like to make a couple of comments

When I get asked by a client if a company is good or bad, I state the same...I believe the companies I represent to be financially stable, to offer good customer service and be top notch but I will also tell you that there is "ALWAYS" someone somewhere no matter what the business or company that has had a problem... So do I believe them to be good, yes indeed or I wouldn't be contracted with them.

As an Agency owner I would also like to add, on the note of customer service, I think management (again in any company) tends to pay attention to the hard workers and almost ignores the poor ones as they need "bodies" to fill the seats and if they "push" these miserable people they might leave...well let them! What management miss at times is that they are losing business and respect (from employees and customers) by keeping these people.

I, professionally and personally cannot tolerate someone who "just has a job" know the type, they are there for pay purposes only. You know who they are, your employees know who they are and regretfully your customers know who they's time to retrain them or replace our industry especially, Customer SERVICE is the most important can "buy" insurance anywhere....but good SERVICE is a rare commodity now a days! Pay attention to your staff, make the necessary changes and all will profit from it.
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Post by SuperiorAccess »

Sundance, in response to your question regarding Superior Access Texas markets we do offer a good variety in your State. We offer preferred BOP carriers, commercial auto, Contractors GL, E&S for tougher accounts, apartment/condo, convenience stores, car washeshes, etc. We also offer some personal lines including homeowners. I have two work compa markets in Texas, one of which is excellent. Superior Access serves over 500 agencies in Texas.

Mike Mayo
EVP, EBusiness/Principal
Superior Access.
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