Personal EQ for a high volume home

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Personal EQ for a high volume home

Post by InsAgentSF »

I need to get a company that can write a 9,000,000 EQ. I had a quote and then (as usual) turned out that arrowhead can't write it. HEEEELP
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Post by sanddog1 »

Your kidd'en HO-3 with a building replacement value of 9000000, not real estate value right.
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Post by sanddog1 »

NOt Commercial ? did you try GeoVera? special placement dept for high value.
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Post by InsAgentSF »

Yeah RC is 9 mil :) I did the quote through arrowhead and "turned out" that they have a cap of 5 mil. I am a dead meat
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Post by sanddog1 »

NO your not ! this is a very limited palcement if you can't then who can? :wink:
Have you tried Zurich or AIG you gotta be appointed. Did you try GeoVera? You should be able to get appointed fairly easy
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Post by sanddog1 »

Buy the way, why are you chasing that stuff there ton's of good business out there in your world. And i will have the tract stuff for you soon. :wink:
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Post by InsAgentSF »

Geovera doesn't appoint new agents in a county of San Mateo :(
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Post by sanddog1 »

O' your screwed :( now get over it and move on. I tried
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Post by InsAgentSF »

Thanks buddy :)
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Post by Porter »

There are 99 companies in Ca that write EQ. Go to this link below for a list: ... _LINECODE=

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Post by InsAgentSF »

wow. LOL. SHould i call all of them :)
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Post by Porter »

Don't be a jack a--. No you don't need to call them all. You can very easily go through the list and cross off most of them like Farmers, Allstate, GeoVera, etc. If I were you, I would find a company off this list and write the business. That is just me you can do what you want.
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Post by sanddog1 »

You guys are kill'en me 90 % of those carriers require A: appointment, B: that you write the PKG, too even get E.Q. coverage C: have a volume comment to boot. $$$$ If carriers had their way they would never write E.Q in California its not a privilege, it's forced by CA if they want to do business in CA.
Sorry Porter there mite be maybe 5 companies in CA that write mono-line EQ. :roll:
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Post by Porter »

Why don't you go with the home insurance carrier for the EQ?
Lucky One
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Post by Lucky One »

who do you have the underlying fire insurance placed with?
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