Closing Quote

Is Insurance Industry Falling in Love With Technology Again?

Back in the 2000s, shortly after the dot-com bubble, I remember being part of discussions where the role of technology within the insurance industry was being debated. At the time, there was a strong drive to outsource in the interests …

The Value of Hurricane Forecasts

While state of the art of hurricane forecasting has improved over the last two decades, coastal exposures and populations at risk have also increased, offsetting those gains. Given the importance of forecasts to the insurance and financial industries, it is …

Challenges Continue as Drone Regulations Take Shape

Unmanned aerial systems, or drones as they are more commonly known, could serve important roles for property/casualty insurance companies, many of which have already begun planning to make use of the technology. By enabling swifter claims servicing in disaster areas …

5 Myths About Cyber Security and Data Breaches

Data privacy is a rapidly evolving area with many misconceptions. Being aware of such myths puts agents at an advantage as they can explain, in relatable terms, why their clients need to focus on this issue. Security and data breaches …

New Insurance Players: Disruptors or Duds?

Those with long careers in the insurance industry have seen newer entrants founder on the shoals of our business. Many well-intentioned outsiders don’t understand the innate complexities of the insurance ecosystem — complexities such as the long tail of liability …

Wildfire in 2015: What to Expect?

The past two years did not result in the amount of wildfire activity that many wildfire scientists, foresters and fire responders had expected. Looking back, the 2013 season had the earmarks of a bad year, with the continued U.S. drought …

Wildfire in 2015: What to Expect?

The past two years did not result in the amount of wildfire activity that many wildfire scientists, foresters and fire responders had expected. Looking back, the 2013 season had the earmarks of a bad year, with the continued U.S. drought …

Tapping Into the Talent Pipeline

By 2020, the entire insurance industry will have 400,000 positions to fill. About 120 academic programs exist worldwide offering courses, concentrations and majors in risk management and insurance. About 80 are located in the US. All of these programs need …

Low Minimum Limits Unfairly Shift Financial Responsibility

For years, we’ve listened to those who beat the drum to maintain minimum liability insurance limits that have been in place for decades. They frame their viewpoint as pro-consumer, and on its surface, their message is an easy sell. After …

Tomorrow’s Talent Challenge

Imagine you are CEO of a company and nearly half the employees that make your company succeed will retire in just 15 years. This is a reality for many insurance industry CEOs. Talent shortage is a major, looming problem. Recent …

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