Closing Quote

In the Sharing Economy, Who Shares the Risk?

Several economic and societal factors have fueled the growth of the sharing economy, in which people rent, borrow, share and swap items they might have purchased 10 or 20 years ago. But what is being overlooked in the rush to …

Bridging the Wage Gap

Today, the number of women working in the insurance industry is roughly equal to the number of men, with 191,000 women and 197,000 men currently employed. Yet women continue to face a serious wage gap when compared to their male …

NAIC’s First Step Toward Openness, Transparency

As an advocate for a reformed system of state insurance regulation, the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) recognizes the key role played by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Due to the significance of that role, NAMIC …

McKinsey Report Gets It Wrong on Independent Agents

For decades the experts have been betting against independent insurance agents, yet they keep winning. Why? The consultants, finance guys, and others who populate the skyscrapers on Wall Street discount the power of the local trusted insurance agent who does …

The Best Quotes of 2013

A new year is a chance to look back and review the past. Here’s a view at some of the best quotes found on in 2013. What was your favorite quote of the year? “If you like your health …

The Case for Volunteerism: Encouraging a Charitable

Company Culture Corporate volunteer programs are not just “feel good” activities. They’re a “win-win-win” because not only does the charity benefit, but so do the employer and the employees. In the midst of the war for talent, competition for top …

Independent Agents, Regional Carriers, Innovation and Excellence

Insurance organizations that are local or regional are a part of the largest segment of employers in the American economy. Why should they exist and succeed in a world where bigger is associated with better? Their success is based on …

Obamacare Woes: Lessons for IAIS

Global insurance regulators are hopefully paying attention to the fizzling noise coming out of Washington, D.C. It’s the sound of the centerpiece of the President’s signature healthcare law failing to properly launch. As with any failure though, there are lessons …

Technology Spurs Industry, Government Modernization

Technological innovations are revolutionizing how businesses and consumers operate — prompting quick action from the insurance industry and the government to enable people to adopt and embrace this rapidly emerging technology. The proliferation of computers, smartphones and tablets has changed …

The New Target for Cybercriminals

Businesses both large and small, across industries, fall victim to data breaches every day. One of the top targeted industries remains financial services. Top financial institutions have made headlines in a string of cyber-attacks against major U.S. banks. While the …

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