Closing Quote

New + Old = Workforce Success

For the first time in history, American companies now have five generations of employees in the workforce: the silent generation (born 1925-45); baby boomers (1946-64), generation X (1964-80); generation Y (1980-90) and millennials (after 1990). Each generation has its own …

Greenberg’s View

From 1967 until March 2005, Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, now chairman and CEO of Starr Cos., helped build American International Group (AIG) into the world’s largest insurer with a market value of $180 billion, forging relationships, opening markets and inventing products …

Homeowners Insurance Is Not Enough

For most middle-income Americans, the purchase of a home represents their largest investment and their most valuable asset. Thus, the lender, homeowner and personal lines insurance agent tend to focus on the common causes of loss when considering homeowners insurance …

Agents Act Now on Healthcare Reform

The year is a prime time for agents and brokers to begin preparing their clients for Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements coming in 2014. Don’t assume that you can wait until the beginning of the plan year to implement ACA …

Houseless After Sandy, Until the Insurance Money Kicks In

It took one day for Superstorm Sandy to destroy my house. So far, it’s taken more than a month for insurance to help me get back in. The last time I slept in my own home was October 27, two …

Sandy Shows Social Media Is Practically Made for Insurers

In the days before superstorm Sandy, there were many questions. When and where would it arrive, and what kind of destruction would it bring? Later, those questions were replaced with others: were friends and family OK? How many homes were …

Monsters Under the Bed: Insurance Coverage Gaps and Other Invisible Exclusions

Neither insurance policyholders nor courts look kindly upon exclusions from the broad coverage provided by insurance policies. Policyholders often balk at exclusions when preparing to pay their hard-earned dollars to buy insurance policies, and courts apply favorable rules of insurance …

The Arbitration Trap

For decades now, your company has reinsured a substantial portion of its risk under reinsurance contracts (treaties) negotiated by executives who retired long ago. But just a few years ago, your reinsurer – now in run-off and no longer looking …

Become an Employer of Choice: Rewards and Recognition in the Workplace

If you’re in a hiring or management position, you already know skilled talent is in short supply and competition is high. Whether you’re looking for a seasoned professional or a recent grad, the best and brightest can be difficult to …

How Niche Marketing Worked

Small business is alive and well, despite the gloomy, reports we read about the weak national economy. To be more specific, small businesses started by ethnic minorities is booming. The niche where we have first-hand experience with this phenomenon is …

Closing Quote Archives by Month