Closing Quote

The Costs of the Financial Crisis for Policyholders

When examining the consequences of the financial crisis on the insurance industry it is important to differentiate between direct and indirect effects on one hand, and short- and medium-term ramifications on the other. Insurers were directly and immediately impacted by …

Why 9/11 Changed Everything

Prior to the Sept. 11 attacks 10 years ago, the thought of terrorism didn’t loom large in our nation’s collective psyche or our business decisions; since then, however, it has become a constant factor. This past summer, the initial reaction …

Volunteerism Feeds Employees’ Need to Serve

“It was like I gave her a million dollars.” That’s how Sean Ramalho of Travelers described the reaction from a woman to whom he gave a blanket on a bitterly cold winter day while he was volunteering at The Interfaith …

Reflections on Recent Events and Implications for Catastrophe Risk Modeling

At the recent Rendez Vous de Monte Carlo there was a lot of discussion about catastrophe risk models. How will the recent events in Japan and New Zealand impact risk models in the future? How will these events impact the …

Enhanced Technology, Workflows Contribute to Workplace Satisfaction

Over the years, I’ve engaged with thousands of independent insurance agents and brokers. Today, my work centers on enhanced technology and workflows. It sounds dry, but nothing could be further from the truth, particularly in terms of improved workplace dynamics. …

Terrorism 10 Years After

Ten years after the events of Sept. 11, 2011, terrorism remains a significant risk both globally and within the United States. The need to be vigilant against those who would harm innocent people in the name of whatever cause they …

Got Regional?

Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared in Insurance Journal’s Satire Issue, August 15, 2011. The content in this issue is not real and is not to be taken seriously. It’s supposed to be humorous. Seriously. The multitudes of fine regional …

Dodd-Frank Anniversary: What About Insurance?

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act rewrote the landscape of the financial markets and it has permeated all sectors of the global economy. A year after the Dodd-Frank Act was signed, there continues to be uncertainty over …

Think Beyond Technology

Here’s a bedtime story I tell my little ones. Back in the dark ages when I went to college, there was no Internet. Cell phones, for the few who had them, were called car phones since they were installed in …

Make Employers’ Provision of Group Health Insurance Easier, Less Costly

More than half of all Americans receive health insurance through an employer. Let me advance a bold premise: This is not entirely a bad thing. By insuring 150 million of us, employer-based plans relieve government of the burden of funding …

Closing Quote Archives by Month