Closing Quote

Managing Reputational Risk

Victor Hugo wrote that “Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come,” a sentiment which could suitably be applied to the concept of reputational risk. It is now difficult to read any quality business publication, or browse …

4 Things Agents Should Do to Avoid E&O Claims

After handling insurance coverage claims for years, a distinct pattern has emerged: sometimes the insurance agent gets “caught in the middle” of a dispute between the policy holder and the insured. Often, agents are named in a lawsuit for reasons …

Storms That Shatter Lives Hold Lessons for Insurers

It used to be the low-frequency, high-severity events that kept U.S. property insurance producers, carriers, and reinsurers up at night. These big Cats have become part of our collective history – Hurricanes Andrew, Katrina, Ike, Wilma, the Loma Prieta and …

Stop Letting Markets Dictate Agency Profits

The term marketplace denotes the terms under which your suppliers are willing to provide their product, for your distribution to others. It is simply the cost of the commodity. What you do with it from there is up to you. …

Spend Time with Customers, Not with Paperwork

I have the opportunity to spend a lot of time talking with insurance agencies of all sizes. During these conversations, I hear a recurring theme: Agents are overwhelmed with administrative processes, and agency managers are concerned because they know this …

The Life of a Health Insurance Broker – Post Health Reform

The last couple of years have been challenging for the national economy – the housing market decline, bank bailouts, tightening credit markets, and a volatile stock market have strained many businesses across varying industries. For the last year, in the …

Innovative Use of Insurance Tools in Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Development

The devastating effects of Hurricane Ivan in the summer of 2004, when it crossed the Caribbean Sea causing major damage in Grenada, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, produced one good thing. The Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) heads of …

Experience and Specialization Matters When It Comes to Complex Hospitality Insurance

In my view, along with a good banker, lawyer, accountant and doctor, the next trusted person for business and personal matters that one should have a long term relationship with is an insurance agent. As a business grows and wealth …

Dispelling the Myth That Wholesalers Add Cost

Your current retail broker is using a wholesaler and it’s adding to the cost of business. We can reduce your costs by eliminating the wholesaler.” How many times have retail agents and brokers said this when making a sales pitch …

Time Wise: Because Every Second Counts

The To Do List on Steroids To do or not to do, that is, quite literally, the question. Few of us have the memory to keep everything in our heads. The To Do list is a time proven key to …

Closing Quote Archives by Month