Closing Quote

5 Issues Agents Should Watch in 2010

With insurance agents across the nation breathing a sigh of relief that 2009 is behind them, their focus has turned to the future: What will 2010 bring for the industry? These emergent issues are important not only for insurance agents, …

The Insurance Industry Wants You!

American-born poet, T.S. Eliot, did little to further the cause of attracting people into the insurance business. As far back as 1922, in his famous work, “The Wasteland,” the sometime bank employee created a repulsive character and described him as …

2009? Mission Accomplished. Now, on to the Next Decade

2010 — Can it really be 10 years since the world survived Y2K? Here is a bold prediction … we will survive this present situation, also. In January 2020, we will look back at our current struggles and view them …

The Risk of ‘Intexticated’ Workers

Cell phones, Blackberrys and iPods now infiltrate work life as well as leisure time. These devices are affecting job safety, a not-so-good vibration being felt, literally, from coast to coast. A Boston trolley driver is distracted while sending a text …

Why Agents Must Remain Involved in Healthcare Debate

Imagine for a moment a law passed by Congress declaring that physicians are prohibited from performing surgery. Instead of going to a doctor for an operation, you would be required to have your surgery performed by community volunteers who might …

The ‘Special’ Relationship

The bond between the United States and the U.K. has been the subject of a significant amount of media comment in recent weeks on both sides of the Atlantic. Our long held “special” relationship seems to have been strained of …

Electronic Placing

Small Step or Giant Leap? For this market to completely open up globally, the business must ultimately be able to take place between people who cannot see each other over a desk or meet over a coffee to sew up …

Five Essentials for a Successful Agency Web Site

Every insurance agency can benefit from having a Web site. Even if it’s not selling a product over the internet, establishing an online presence is more important than ever. Shopping trends have changed drastically over the past few years with …

For Agents, There’s No Time for Recreation & Leisure

When asked to pen a piece to end this issue, I asked myself, “what is the best way to end an issue focused on recreation and leisure?” I truly have no idea; agents have no time for such frivolity. Our …

Health Insurance Mandate Will Kill Jobs

Congress is about to take up legislation that would have profound and long-lasting effects on 17 percent of our nation’s economy — our health care system. Most Americans agree that the system is broken and it’s high time it’s fixed. …

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