Closing Quote

Wholesalers as Partners When Navigating Market Changes

We are all painfully aware of the impact of the deep recession our country has been mired in for the past year, and it appears that recovery will take some time. The tightening of credit and decline in consumer confidence …

Turmoil Breeds Opportunity

A Golden Moment for the Insurance Industry In a time of financial turmoil, we in the insurance industry have an unprecedented opportunity. As capital providers and risk advisers in a time of scarce capital and huge risk, we should seize …

Risk, Reward and Reflection

Lessons Gained from the Current Economic Storm The property/casualty business has never been easy. As history shows, the underwriting community has been successful in creating and delivering insurance products that give consumers and business owners peace of mind. Over time, …

Quality and Protectionism in the Insurance Market

Why Market Blocking Is Not Best for the Consumer or the Industry The insurance business needs to lose a vestige of the insurance marketplace of the last century. Let’s become more friendly to competition and the free market. For my …

Amid Obstacles, Opportunities Exist

In today’s environment, the value of personal relationships, soar. Nobody fosters these better than insurance agents. You don’t need to get too deep into conversation these days to find out people are afraid. Given changes in business, the economy and …

Being Prepared

Don’t Lose Sight of the Greater Risks We Face No one could fail to have noticed that we are in the grip of a recession. With unemployment affecting 2 million in the United Kingdom, interest rates almost at zero and …

Being Prepared

No one could fail to have noticed that we are in the grip of a recession. With unemployment affecting 2 million in the United Kingdom, interest rates almost at zero and a deflationary environment, there is a lot for businesses …

Being Prepared

Don’t Lose Sight of the Greater Risks We Face No one could fail to have noticed that we are in the grip of a recession. With unemployment affecting 2 million in the United Kingdom, interest rates almost at zero and …

Being Prepared

Don’t Lose Sight of the Greater Risks We Face No one could fail to have noticed that we are in the grip of a recession. With unemployment affecting 2 million in the United Kingdom, interest rates almost at zero and …

Being Prepared

Don’t Lose Sight of the Greater Risks We Face No one could fail to have noticed that we are in the grip of a recession. With unemployment affecting 2 million in the United Kingdom, interest rates almost at zero and …

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