Closing Quote

Being Prepared

Don’t Lose Sight of the Greater Risks We Face No one could fail to have noticed that we are in the grip of a recession. With unemployment affecting 2 million in the United Kingdom, interest rates almost at zero and …

Too Big to Fail

How the Feds Can Address Systemic Risk Without Creating More Bureaucracy America’s market-based economic system once created the largest economic engine in the world and gave this country one of the highest standards of living in history. However, that system …

6 Steps to Take Before the Soft Market Hardens

Most insurance professionals detest a soft market because of the increase in competition, unreasonably low pricing and increased market vulnerability. Some, however, may appreciate a softening precisely because of the change in underwriting and pricing philosophies. No soft market lasts …

6 Steps to Take Before the Soft Market Hardens

Most insurance professionals detest a soft market because of the increase in competition, unreasonably low pricing and increased market vulnerability. Some, however, may appreciate a softening precisely because of the change in underwriting and pricing philosophies. No soft market lasts …

6 Steps to Take Before the Soft Market Hardens

Most insurance professionals detest a soft market because of the increase in competition, unreasonably low pricing and increased market vulnerability. Some, however, may appreciate a softening precisely because of the change in underwriting and pricing philosophies. No soft market lasts …

6 Steps to Take Before the Soft Market Hardens

Most insurance professionals detest a soft market because of the increase in competition, unreasonably low pricing and increased market vulnerability. Some, however, may appreciate a softening precisely because of the change in underwriting and pricing philosophies. No soft market lasts …

6 Steps to Take Before the Soft Market Hardens

Most insurance professionals detest a soft market because of the increase in competition, unreasonably low pricing and increased market vulnerability. Some, however, may appreciate a softening precisely because of the change in underwriting and pricing philosophies. No soft market lasts …

Say What You Mean

Agents Should Act With Character and Integrity in Everything That They Do “I meant what I said, and said what I meant …” Although that quote was written in 1954 by Dr. Seuss in his book “Horton Hears a Who,” …

Say What You Mean

Agents Should Act With Character and Integrity in Everything That They Do “I meant what I said, and said what I meant …” Although that quote was written in 1954 by Dr. Seuss in his book “Horton Hears a Who,” …

Say What You Mean

Agents Should Act With Character and Integrity in Everything That They Do “I meant what I said, and said what I meant …” Although that quote was written in 1954 by Dr. Seuss in his book “Horton Hears a Who,” …

Closing Quote Archives by Month